ffmpeg 2:7.1-2
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Extra |
Description: | Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video |
Upstream URL: | https://ffmpeg.org |
License(s): | GPL-3.0-only |
Provides: | |
Maintainers: |
Maxime Gauduin |
Package Size: | 12.2 MB |
Installed Size: | 39.9 MB |
Last Packager: | David Runge |
Build Date: | 2024-11-06 16:33 UTC |
Signed By: | David Runge |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-06 16:38 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-11-07 20:01 UTC |
Dependencies (111)
- alsa-lib
- aom
- bzip2
- cairo
- dav1d
- fontconfig
- freetype2
- fribidi
- glib2
- glibc
- glslang
- gmp
- gnutls
- gsm
- harfbuzz
- jack (pipewire-jack, jack2)
- lame
- libass
- libass.so=9-64 (libass)
- libavc1394
- libbluray
- libbluray.so=2-64 (libbluray)
- libbs2b
- libbs2b.so=0-64 (libbs2b)
- libdav1d.so=7-64 (dav1d)
- libdrm
- libdvdnav
- libdvdread
- libfreetype.so=6-64 (freetype2)
- libgl (libglvnd)
- libharfbuzz.so=0-64 (harfbuzz)
- libiec61883
- libjxl
- libjxl.so=0.11-64 (libjxl)
- libmodplug
- libopenmpt
- libopenmpt.so=0-64 (libopenmpt)
- libplacebo
- libplacebo.so=349-64 (libplacebo)
- libpulse
- librav1e.so=0.7-64 (rav1e)
- libraw1394
- librsvg
- librsvg-2.so=2-64 (librsvg)
- librubberband.so=3-64 (rubberband)
- libsoxr
- libssh
- libtheora
- libva
- libva-drm.so=2-64 (libva)
- libva-x11.so=2-64 (libva)
- libva.so=2-64 (libva)
- libvdpau
- libvidstab.so=1.2-64 (vid.stab)
- libvorbis
- libvorbis.so=0-64 (libvorbis)
- libvorbisenc.so=2-64 (libvorbis)
- libvpx
- libvpx.so=9-64 (libvpx)
- libwebp
- libx11
- libx264.so=164-64 (x264)
- libx265.so=212-64 (x265)
- libxcb
- libxext
- libxml2
- libxv
- libxvidcore.so=4-64 (xvidcore)
- libzimg.so=2-64 (zimg)
- libzmq.so=5-64 (zeromq)
- ocl-icd
- onevpl (libvpl)
- opencore-amr
- openjpeg2
- opus
- rav1e
- rubberband
- sdl2
- snappy
- speex
- srt
- svt-av1
- v4l-utils
- vapoursynth
- vid.stab
- vmaf
- vulkan-icd-loader
- x264
- x265
- xvidcore
- xz
- zeromq
- zimg
- zlib
- avisynthplus (optional) - AviSynthPlus support
- frei0r-plugins (optional) - Frei0r video effects support
- intel-media-sdk (optional) - Intel QuickSync support (legacy)
- ladspa (optional) - LADSPA filters
- nvidia-utils (optional) - Nvidia NVDEC/NVENC support
- onevpl-intel-gpu (vpl-gpu-rt) (optional) - Intel QuickSync support
- amf-headers (make)
- avisynthplus (make)
- clang (make)
- ffnvcodec-headers (make)
- frei0r-plugins (make)
- git (make)
- ladspa (make)
- mesa (make)
- nasm (make)
- opencl-headers (make)
- vulkan-headers (make)
Required By (192)
- aubio (requires libavcodec.so)
- aubio (requires libavformat.so) (staging)
- audacious-plugins
- audaspace
- audaspace (staging)
- av1an
- blender
- chromaprint (requires libswresample.so)
- ciano
- deepin-camera
- deepin-grand-search
- deepin-music
- devede
- devede (staging)
- digikam
- dolphin-emu (requires libavutil.so)
- dolphin-emu-tool (requires libavcodec.so)
- dsp (requires libavformat.so)
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- ffmpegthumbs
- ffmpegthumbs
- ffms2
- firefox
- firefox-developer-edition
- flowblade
- flowblade (staging)
- freerdp (requires libswresample.so)
- freerdp2 (requires libavcodec.so)
- gerbera
- gifski
- gst-libav
- guvcview-common
- haruna
- harvid (requires libavutil.so)
- home-assistant
- jami-daemon
- k3b
- k3b
- kfilemetadata
- kpipewire
- krita
- libmgba
- libretro-pcsx2
- maui-clip
- mencoder
- minidlna
- mixxx
- motion
- mpd (requires libavfilter.so)
- mplayer
- mpv (requires libavformat.so)
- mpv-mpris (requires libavformat.so)
- nageru
- navidrome
- neatvnc (requires libavcodec.so)
- notcurses (requires libavformat.so)
- notcurses (requires libavutil.so) (staging)
- obs-studio
- obs-studio (staging)
- openal-examples
- opencv
- opencv-cuda
- openshot
- openshot (staging)
- opentoonz
- paraview
- paraview (requires libavcodec.so) (staging)
- peek
- pencil2d
- performous
- persepolis
- pianobar
- python-pytorch
- python-pytorch-cuda
- python-pytorch-opt
- python-pytorch-opt-cuda
- python-pytorch-opt-rocm
- python-pytorch-rocm
- qstopmotion
- qt5-webengine
- qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg
- qt6-webengine
- retroarch
- scrcpy
- shotcut
- sigal
- sigal (staging)
- songrec
- telegram-desktop
- thunderbird
- tigervnc
- tupitube
- unpaper
- vapoursynth-plugin-bestsource (requires libavcodec.so)
- vbam-wx (requires libavformat.so)
- vhs
- vidcutter
- vidcutter (staging)
- video-trimmer
- wf-recorder (requires libavdevice.so)
- wxsvg
- xine-lib
- xjadeo (requires libswscale.so)
- xpra
- alsa-plugins (optional)
- audacity (optional)
- baresip (optional)
- beets (optional)
- clipgrab (optional)
- cmus (optional)
- fceux (optional)
- gegl (optional)
- gmt (optional)
- kdenlive (optional)
- libde265 (optional)
- libheif (optional)
- mat2 (optional)
- mat2 (staging) (optional)
- mat2 (testing) (optional)
- mlt (optional)
- mlt (staging) (optional)
- nextcloud (optional)
- pqiv (optional)
- python-matplotlib (optional)
- torchvision (optional)
- qmmp (optional)
- ripgrep-all (optional)
- rmpc (optional)
- sagemath (optional)
- streamlink (optional)
- termusic (optional)
- tinycompress (optional)
- torchvision (optional)
- vtk (optional)
- wine-staging (optional)
- xmms2 (optional)
- xwax (optional)
- yt-dlp (optional)
- yt-dlp (staging) (optional)
- alsa-plugins (make)
- aubio (make)
- aubio (staging) (make)
- audacity (make)
- baresip (make)
- chromaprint (make)
- cmus (make)
- dvdstyler (make)
- freerdp (make)
- freerdp2 (make)
- gegl (make)
- gmt (make)
- gstreamer (make)
- harvid (make)
- libde265 (make)
- libheif (make)
- libmgba (make)
- libtg_owt (make)
- mencoder (make)
- mgba (make)
- mixxx (make)
- mlt (make)
- mlt (staging) (make)
- mpd (make)
- mplayer (make)
- notcurses (make)
- notcurses (staging) (make)
- openal (make)
- pqiv (make)
- pulseaudio-alsa (make)
- python-aubio (make)
- python-aubio (staging) (make)
- torchvision (make)
- qmmp (make)
- qt6-multimedia (make)
- tenacity (make)
- tinycompress (make)
- torchvision (make)
- vbam (make)
- vtk (make)
- wine-staging (make)
- xjadeo (make)
- xmms2 (make)
- glycin (check)
- kvazaar (check)
- mat2 (check)
- mat2 (staging) (check)
- mat2 (testing) (check)
- nginx (check)
- nginx-mainline (check)
- nginx-src (check)
- python-matplotlib (check)
- vosk-api (check)