Task Todo List Stop using python setup.py test

2022-11-14 - Jelle van der Waa

Calling python setup.py test has been deprecated for a while and will be removed in the future. Please replace this either calling:

`python -m unittest discover -vs $testloc`

Or pytest/nose as our packaging guidelines describe https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Python_package_guidelines

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

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137 packages displayed out of 137 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra alot 0.10-6 lfleischer, artafinde Complete artafinde
any Extra autopep8 1:2.1.0-1 grawlinson Complete grawlinson
x86_64 Core brotli 1.1.0-1 felixonmars, anthraxx Complete polyzen
x86_64 Extra calibre 7.9.0-1 alerque Complete alerque
any Extra codespell 2.2.6-1 anatolik, Antiz Complete Antiz
any Extra git-revise 0.7.0-3 alerque Complete alerque
any Extra magic-wormhole 0.14.0-6 alex19EP, alerque Complete alerque
any Extra mopidy 3.4.2-1 Foxboron Complete tpkessler
any Extra pifpaf 3.1.5-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra powerline 2.8.3-3 farseerfc, Antiz Incomplete
x86_64 Extra protobuf 25.3-3 lfleischer Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-aiosignal 1.3.1-5 anthraxx Complete artafinde
any Extra python-appdirs 1.4.4-9 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-apsw jelle Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0-4 arojas Complete arojas
any Extra python-argparse Complete jelle
any Extra python-argparse-manpage 4.5-1 svenstaro Complete svenstaro
any Extra python-binaryornot 0.4.4-9 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-browserid 0.14.0-13 bgyorgy Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-cairo 1.26.0-1 alerque Complete jelle
any Extra python-characteristic Complete polyzen
any Extra python-charset-normalizer 3.3.2-1 alucryd, polyzen Complete alucryd
any Extra python-commentjson 0.9.0-6 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-commonmark 0.9.1-9 anthraxx, alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-curio 1.6-3 alucryd Complete alucryd
any Extra python-daemon Complete jelle
any Extra python-dbapi-compliance 1.15.0-3 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-dbfread 2.0.7-5 alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-dbus-deviation 0.6.1-6 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-decorator 5.1.1-3 jelle Complete polyzen
any Extra python-django-classy-tags 4.1.0-1 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-engineio 4.8.2-1 anthraxx Complete artafinde
x86_64 Extra python-fastbencode 0.2-2 Complete jelle
any Extra python-feedgen 1.0.0-1 anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-fido2 1.1.3-1 eworm, Foxboron Complete eworm
any Extra python-flask-cors 4.0.0-1 yan12125 Complete yan12125
any Extra python-flask-htmlmin anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-flask-migrate 4.0.5-1 anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-flask-paranoid 0.3.0-3 anthraxx Complete artafinde
any Extra python-future 0.18.3-2 felixonmars, FFY00 Complete artafinde
x86_64 Extra python-gammu 3.2.4-2 jlichtblau Incomplete polyzen
any Extra python-genty 1.3.2-13 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-geoip2 4.8.0-1 lfleischer, felixonmars Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-geojson 3.1.0-1 alerque Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra python-gssapi 1.8.3-1 anthraxx Incomplete
x86_64 Extra python-html5-parser 0.4.11-1 jelle Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-htmlmin 0.1.12-9 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-husl 4.0.3-11 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-intelhex 2.3.0-5 FFY00 Complete polyzen
any Extra python-ipdb 0.13.13-2 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-j2cli 0.3.12b-9 kgizdov, alex19EP Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-jinja-time Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-json-logger 2.0.7-2 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-jsonmerge 1.9.2-1 FFY00 Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-keycloak 3.3.0-1 jelle Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-ldap 3.4.4-1 Foxboron Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-leather 0.4.0-1 alerque Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra python-librabbitmq 2.0.0-9 Incomplete
any Extra python-logutils 0.3.5-12 foxxx0 Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-lupa 2.1-3 alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server 0.4.1-10 alex19EP, alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-magic-wormhole-transit-relay 0.2.1-9 alex19EP, alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-manuel 1.12.4-4 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-markdown-math 0.8-6 farseerfc Complete polyzen
x86_64 Extra python-mpi4py 3.1.5-2 Archange Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-multidict 6.0.5-1 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-nine 1.1.0-7 foxxx0 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-nose-exclude 0.5.0-10 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-objgraph 3.6.1-2 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-orderedmultidict 1.0.1-10 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-outcome 1.3.0.post0-2 alucryd Complete alucryd
any Extra python-pecan 1.4.2-3 foxxx0 Complete polyzen
any Extra python-phonenumbers 8.13.33-1 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-phpserialize 1.3-11 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pipreqs felixonmars Complete polyzen
any Extra python-pony Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-prawcore 2.4.0-1 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-precis_i18n 1.1.0-1 anthraxx, Antiz Complete Antiz
any Extra python-prometheus_client 0.20.0-1 jelle, demize Complete jelle
any Extra python-pyaml 23.12.0-1 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-pyasn1 0.5.0-1 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-pybox2d 1:2.3.10-3 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra python-pycryptodome 3.20.0-1 felixonmars, alerque Complete alerque
any Extra python-pydbus 0.6.0-10 Foxboron Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pyflakes 3.2.0-1 Foxboron Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-pyicu 2.12-3 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-pyotp 2.9.0-1 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-pyrfc3339 1.1-11 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-pysaml2 7.5.0-1 demize Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-python-pkcs11 0.7.0-6 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pywal 3.3.0-8 Foxboron Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-pyxattr 0.8.1-1 lfleischer Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-pyzmq 25.1.2-1 Archange, grawlinson Complete grawlinson
x86_64 Extra python-pyzstd 0.15.10-2 alerque Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra python-reportlab 4.1.0-1 Foxboron Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-repoze.lru 0.7-10 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-requests-hawk 1.2.1-1 bgyorgy Complete polyzen
any Extra python-requests-mock 1.11.0-1 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-retrying 1.3.4-2 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-schema 0.7.5-4 bluewind Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-scrypt 0.8.24-1 jelle, anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-serpent 1.41-3 arodseth Complete arodseth
any Extra python-setuptools-git 1.2-10 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-sniffio 1.3.1-1 alucryd Complete alucryd
any Extra python-socketio 5.8.0-2 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram 0.1.9-1 felixonmars Complete polyzen
any Extra python-srcinfo 0.1.2-1 demize Complete demize
any Extra python-stopit 1.1.2-6 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-sure 2.0.1-3 felixonmars, yan12125 Complete yan12125
any Extra python-svgwrite 1.4.3-2 FFY00 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-tappy 3.1-4 lfleischer Complete lfleischer
any Extra python-tblib 1.7.0-6 anthraxx Complete polyzen
any Extra python-teamcity-messages 1.32-2 felixonmars Complete polyzen
x86_64 Extra python-thrift 0.19.0-1 anatolik Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-unicodedata2 15.1.0-1 alerque Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra python-unrardll 0.1.7-1 jelle Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-urwid 2.6.10-1 anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-vagrant 1.0.0-3 Complete jelle
any Extra python-vine 5.1.0-2 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-voluptuous-serialize 2.6.0-2 alucryd Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra python-websockets 12.0-1 anthraxx Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-whoosh 2.7.4-10 felixonmars Complete polyzen
any Extra python-wstools 0.4.10-7 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra python-xattr 0.10.1-3 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-xmljson 0.2.1-5 felixonmars Complete felixonmars
any Extra python-xtarfile 0.1.0-5 jelle Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-xxhash 3.4.1-1 kgizdov Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-zc.lockfile 3.0.post1-2 FFY00 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-zope-event 5.0-1 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-zope-interface 6.2-1 felixonmars Incomplete
any Extra python-zope-testing 5.0.1-2 felixonmars Incomplete
any Extra python-zope-testrunner 6.4-1 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra python-zstandard 0.22.0-1 svenstaro Complete svenstaro
any Extra retext 8.0.1-1 farseerfc Complete polyzen
any Extra xdot 1.3-1 anthraxx Complete jelle
any Extra you-get felixonmars Complete polyzen
any Extra yubikey-manager 1:5.3.0-1 eworm, Foxboron Complete eworm