Task Todo List Packages failing --allsource tarball generation

2025-01-12 - Kristian Klausen

Creating a --allsource tarball for the following packages fails, indicating that the source(s) may no longer available, incorrect checksums etc.

Each package was tested by running "makepkg --nocolor --allsource --ignorearch --skippgpcheck". The exact error message for the listed packages can be found at [1].

There may be some false-positives, in that case just mark the package as "complete".

[1] https://gitlab.archlinux.org/-/snippets/3771

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

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69 packages displayed out of 69 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra algol68g 3.5.12-1 arodseth Complete arodseth
any Extra aspell-pl 20240901-1 demize Incomplete
x86_64 Extra avldrums.lv2 0.7.3-1 dvzrv Incomplete
x86_64 Extra badvpn 1.999.130-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra bibletime 3.0.3-3 felixonmars, alerque, blakkheim Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra bigloo 4.5b-5 juergen Incomplete
x86_64 Extra boost 1.87.0-2 1.87.0-3 foutrelis, gromit Complete gromit
x86_64 Extra bumblebee 3.2.1-21 lcarlier, grazzolini Incomplete
any Extra checksec 2.7.1-1 anthraxx Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ckermit 9.0.302-11 spupykin Incomplete
any Extra cl-rt 1990.12.19.r19.ga6a7503-3 grawlinson Incomplete
x86_64 Extra clash 1.18.0-1 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra cockatrice 2.9.0-14 FFY00 Incomplete
x86_64 Extra codeblocks 20.03-5 bgyorgy Incomplete
x86_64 Extra composefs 1.0.4-1 dvzrv Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ctpl 0.3.5-2 arodseth Complete arodseth
x86_64 Extra cvc4 1.8-3 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra dante 1.4.3-4 felixonmars Incomplete
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-apache-poi 5.2.5-1 muflone Incomplete
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-batik 1.14.0-3 muflone Incomplete
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-office muflone Incomplete
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-svg-format muflone Incomplete
x86_64 Extra discord 0.0.85-1 FFY00, morganamilo, Antiz, blakkheim Complete blakkheim
any Extra drbl 2.30.5-3 jsteel Incomplete
any Extra emacs-python-mode 6.3.0-1 spupykin Incomplete
x86_64 Extra fakechroot 2.20.1-4 jelle Incomplete
x86_64 Extra fcitx-mozc 2.26.4360.102.gca82d39-2 felixonmars, farseerfc Incomplete
x86_64 Extra fetchmail 6.5.2-1 freswa Incomplete
any Extra filebin 4.0.3-1 hashworks Incomplete
any Core filesystem 2024.11.21-1 seblu, dvzrv Incomplete
any Extra freepats-general-midi 20221026-2 dvzrv, ainola Complete ainola
x86_64 Extra ftjam 2.5.3rc2-6 Archange Incomplete
x86_64 Extra fwupd 2.0.6-1 Archange, FFY00, freswa Incomplete
x86_64 Core gcc 14.2.1+r753+g1cd744a6828f-1 grazzolini, freswa Incomplete
x86_64 Core gdbm 1.24-1 dvzrv Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ghc 9.2.8-1 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ginac 1.8.8-1 jlichtblau Incomplete
x86_64 Extra gnome-screenshot 41.0+r39+ga362197-3 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra goaurrpc 1.2.3-2 artafinde Complete artafinde
any Extra grammalecte 2.1.1-5 Archange Incomplete
x86_64 Extra hatari 2.5.0-1 lcarlier Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haxe 4.3.6-1 arodseth Incomplete
x86_64 Extra hevea 2.36-2 kgizdov Incomplete
x86_64 Extra hping 3.0.0-5 lfleischer Incomplete
x86_64 Extra html-xml-utils 8.6-2 grawlinson, alerque Incomplete
any Extra hunspell-fr 7.0-4 Archange Incomplete
any Extra hunspell-pl 20240901-1 demize Incomplete
any Extra hyphen-fr 3.0-5 Archange Incomplete
any Extra hyphen-it 20071127-6 muflone Incomplete
x86_64 Extra i7z 0.27.2.git1-8 svenstaro Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ipxe 1.21.1-5 dvzrv Incomplete
any Extra iso-codes 4.17.0-1 arojas Complete arojas
any Extra java-avalon-framework 4.2.0-9 lfleischer Incomplete
any Extra java-batik 1.17-1 Incomplete
x86_64 Extra john 1.9.0.jumbo1-11 anthraxx, alerque Incomplete
x86_64 Extra knockd 0.8-1 anthraxx Incomplete
x86_64 Extra librttopo 1.1.0-6 jlichtblau, Archange Incomplete
x86_64 Extra libshairport idevolder Incomplete
x86_64 Extra mdk4 4.2-1 grawlinson Incomplete
x86_64 Extra modem-manager-gui 0.0.20-3 bgyorgy Incomplete
any Extra mythes-fr 2.3-4 Archange Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ocaml 5.3.0-1 juergen Incomplete
x86_64 Extra qmltermwidget 0.2.0.git1-1 svenstaro Incomplete
x86_64 Extra siege 4.1.7-1 carsme Complete carsme
x86_64 Extra slimevolley 2.4.2-6 jlichtblau Incomplete
x86_64 Extra visitors 0.7-7 spupykin Incomplete
x86_64 Extra wmctrl 1.07-6 jsteel Incomplete
x86_64 Extra yabause-qt 0.9.15-4 alucryd Incomplete
x86_64 Extra zutty 0.16-1 arodseth Complete arodseth