Rebuild Todo List Python 3.12 part 2

2024-04-20 - David Runge

The following packages need rebuilding in staging as they have been built without tests.

Please note, that the list may contain false-positives as the script used to generate the list only operates on package files.

Reasons for false-positives may be:

- `checkdepends` contains virtual provides (e.g. `python-pyyaml` instead of `python-yaml`) and thus can't match a check depency against a package's `installed` array (in .BUILDINFO)
- the `check()` function is never used (e.g. commented)

In the latter case `check()` should either be enabled and run, or `checkdepends` and the commented `check()` be removed.

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

Select filter criteria
120 packages displayed out of 120 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra bcc 0.33.0-1 anatolik Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra bcc-tools 0.33.0-1 anatolik Complete arojas
any Extra beets 2.2.0-1 alucryd, Archange Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra cython 3.0.11-2 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra diffoscope 287-1 jelle, anthraxx, sangy Complete arojas
any Extra glad 2.0.8-2 anthraxx, Antiz Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra memray 1.15.0-1 artafinde Complete arojas
any Extra meson 1.7.0-1 heftig, anthraxx Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra profanity 1:0.14.0-3 anthraxx, freswa Complete freswa
x86_64 Extra profanity-gtk 1:0.14.0-3 anthraxx, freswa Complete freswa
any Extra pybind11 2.13.6-2 sangy, dbermond Complete dbermond
any Extra python-annotated-types 0.7.0-2 dvzrv, gromit Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-attrs 23.2.0-4 felixonmars Complete arojas
any Extra python-autocommand 2.2.2-7 felixonmars Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra python-bcc 0.33.0-1 anatolik Complete arojas
any Extra python-black 25.1.0-1 grawlinson Complete arojas
any Extra python-booleanoperations 0.9.0-10 alerque Complete arojas
any Extra python-build 1.2.2-3 polyzen, FFY00 Complete arojas
any Extra python-calver 2022.06.26-7 felixonmars Complete arojas
any Extra python-cssselect 1.2.0-8 felixonmars Complete arojas
any Extra python-dbus-fast alucryd Complete arojas
any Extra python-dirty-equals 0.8.0-3 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-distributed Lahwaacz, Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-doit-py 0.5.0-9 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-easyprocess 1.1-5 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-editables 0.5-5 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-executing 2.2.0-1 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-fakeredis 2.26.2-2 alerque Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-falcon 3.1.3-6 4.0.2-1 dvzrv, hashworks Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-fastapi 0.115.8-1 lfleischer, dvzrv, Antiz Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-fastjsonschema 2.21.1-1 jelle Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-flask-login 0.6.3-7 felixonmars, anthraxx Complete jelle
any Extra python-flit-core 3.10.1-3 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-fontpens 0.2.4-9 alerque Complete jelle
any Extra python-gitlab 5.0.0-2 svenstaro Complete jelle
any Extra python-google-auth-oauthlib 1.2.1-2 svenstaro, lfleischer Complete jelle
any Extra python-guessit 3.8.0-4 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 24.1.0-4 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-hatch-vcs 0.4.0-4 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-humanfriendly 10.0-9 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-incremental 22.10.0-7 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-inflect 7.5.0-1 dvzrv, gromit Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-iniconfig 2.0.0-6 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-ipympl 0.9.6-1 arojas Complete arojas
any Extra python-itemadapter 0.8.0-5 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-jaraco.context 6.0.1-1 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-jaraco.functools 4.1.0-1 yan12125 Complete yan12125
any Extra python-jaraco.text 4.0.0-2 yan12125 Complete yan12125
x86_64 Extra python-keyutils 0.6-11 Foxboron Complete jelle
any Extra python-lark-parser 1.2.2-3 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-livereload Complete jelle
any Extra python-manuel 1.12.4-8 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-markups 3.1.3-10 jlichtblau, carsme Complete jelle
any Extra python-mplhep 0.3.55-1 kgizdov Complete jelle
any Extra python-nltk 3.9.1-2 Foxboron Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-nptyping 2.5.0-7 Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-numba 0.61.0-1 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-ordered-set 4.1.0-7 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-os-service-types 1.7.0-17 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-packaging 24.2-3 jelle, felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-pbr 6.1.0-2 felixonmars Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pdm-backend 2.4.3-2 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pep440 0.1.2-5 arojas Complete arojas
any Extra python-pluggy 1.5.0-3 felixonmars, polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-podcastparser 0.6.10-6 bgyorgy Complete jelle
any Extra 2.4.9-1 Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-psycopg 3.2.3-1 grawlinson Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-py_stringmatching 0.4.6-1 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-pyadi-iio 0.0.18-1 FFY00 Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-pycuda 2024.1.2-1 svenstaro, tpkessler Complete jelle
any Extra python-pygments 2.19.1-1 foutrelis, carsme Complete foutrelis
any Extra python-pyjsparser 2.7.1-14 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-pynetbox 7.4.0-2 svenstaro Complete jelle
any Extra python-pynitrokey 0.6.0-2 0.7.3-1 dvzrv, alerque Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra python-pyogrio 0.10.0-1 Archange Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-pypcode 2.1.0-2 anthraxx Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-pyproj 3.7.0-2 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-pyproject-hooks 1.2.0-3 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-pyproject-metadata 0.9.0-2 FFY00 Complete jelle
any Extra python-pyscreenshot 3.1-6 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-pytest 1:8.3.4-1 polyzen, FFY00 Complete jelle
any Extra python-pytest-cov 6.0.0-1 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-pythran 0.17.0-2 arojas Complete arojas
any Extra python-pyvirtualdisplay 3.0-6 Archange Complete jelle
any Extra python-quart-cors 0.7.0-5 alucryd Complete jelle
any Extra python-scikit-build-core 0.10.7-3 carsme Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-secretstorage 3.3.3-6 felixonmars, FFY00 Complete jelle
any Extra python-semantic-version 2.10.0-7 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-setuptools 1:75.2.0-4 felixonmars, polyzen Complete polyzen
any Extra python-setuptools-declarative-requirements 1.3.0-7 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-setuptools-rust 1.10.2-2 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-setuptools-scm 8.1.0-3 felixonmars, polyzen, FFY00 Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 2.0.0-3 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 2.0.0-4 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.1.0-3 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1-19 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 2.0.0-3 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 2.0.0-3 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-sqlalchemy-i18n 1.1.0-8 anthraxx Complete jelle
any Extra python-starlette 0.45.3-1 dvzrv, FFY00, Antiz Complete dvzrv
any Extra python-testfixtures 8.3.0-3 felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-tiny-proxy 0.2.1-5 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-tqdm 4.67.1-2 FFY00, Antiz Complete Antiz
any Extra python-tweepy 4.14.0-3 anthraxx Complete jelle
any Extra python-typeguard 4.4.1-1 felixonmars, polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-typing_extensions 4.12.2-3 polyzen Complete jelle
any Extra python-urllib3 2.3.0-1 felixonmars, carsme Complete polyzen
any Extra python-urlobject felixonmars Complete jelle
any Extra python-validate-pyproject 0.23-1 jelle, felixonmars, carsme Complete jelle
any Extra python-virtualenv 20.28.0-1 grawlinson Complete jelle
any Extra python-w3lib 2.1.2-4 felixonmars Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra python-watchfiles 1.0.3-2 carsme Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra qtile 0.29.0-2 dvzrv Complete dvzrv
any Extra shadowsocks 3.0.0a.20180219-8 felixonmars Complete jelle
x86_64 Extra syslog-ng 4.8.1-6 carsme Complete jelle
any Extra tldr 3.3.0-2 felixonmars, ainola Complete ainola
any Extra virt-install 5.0.0-1 freswa Complete freswa
any Extra virt-manager 5.0.0-1 freswa Complete freswa
x86_64 Extra xrootd 5.7.3-1 Lahwaacz, kgizdov Complete jelle
any Extra yubikey-manager 1:5.5.1-3 eworm, Foxboron Complete jelle