Rebuild Todo List Clean-up $pkgdir usage

Feb. 2, 2013 - Allan McRae

This is a list of all packages that use $pkgdir in their build() function. This can occur for several reasons:

1) The package only has a build() function. This is deprecated in pacman-4.1 and will produce a warning. These should be changed to package().

2) Things are being written to $pkgdir in build() that should be done in package(). This is wrong as those files can end up with the wrong permissions and will break completely with pacman-4.1.

3) The build system is somewhat weird and requires you to specify the install location in build(), but nothing is written during this stage. For split packages, this is not good as $pkdir is not well defined during build()...

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

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75 packages displayed out of 75 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra alacarte 1:3.52.0-2 heftig Complete eric
x86_64 Extra apache 2.4.62-1 anatolik Complete jgc
any Extra archboot Complete eric
x86_64 Extra ardour dvzrv Complete schiv
x86_64 Core binutils 2.42+r195+g29ae8b8ea71-1 grazzolini, freswa Complete allan
x86_64 Core btrfs-progs 6.9.2-1 tpowa, seblu Complete tomegun
x86_64 Multilib dev86 eworm Complete spupykin
x86_64 Extra docker lfleischer, seblu, Foxboron Complete allan
x86_64 Multilib dwarffortress svenstaro Complete svenstaro
x86_64 Extra fftw 3.3.10-7 dvzrv Complete allan
x86_64 Extra gettext-mono Complete allan
x86_64 Extra gnome-vfs-perl Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnuplot 6.0.1-1 arojas Complete eric
x86_64 Core groff 1.23.0-6 tpowa Complete eric
any Extra hunspell-ro muflone Complete allan
any Extra hwdetect 2024.07.22.2117-1 tpowa Complete eric
any Extra hyphen-ro Complete allan
x86_64 Extra lablgtk Complete eric
x86_64 Extra libbonobo Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libmpeg2 0.5.1-10 bgyorgy Complete jgc
any Core licenses 20240206-1 dvzrv Complete dan
any Extra mime-types Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra miro Complete eric
x86_64 Extra mono-addins anthraxx Complete allan
any Extra mythes-ro muflone Complete allan
x86_64 Extra ncftp 3.2.7-1 lfleischer Complete eric
x86_64 Core ncurses 6.5-3 felixonmars, anthraxx, dvzrv Complete allan
x86_64 Extra net-snmp eworm Complete eric
x86_64 Core openldap 2.6.8-1 freswa Complete eric
any Core pacman-mirrorlist 20240717-1 bluewind Complete dan
x86_64 Core perl 5.38.2-2 bluewind Complete bluewind
any Extra perl-class-inspector 1.36-7 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-config-simple 4.59-17 bluewind Complete bluewind
any Extra perl-date-manip 6.95-1 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-encode-locale 1.05-12 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-file-copy-recursive felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-file-listing 6.16-3 felixonmars Complete eric
x86_64 Extra perl-guard 1.023-16 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-http-cookies 6.11-1 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-http-daemon 6.16-3 Complete eric
any Extra perl-http-date 6.06-2 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-http-message 6.46-1 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-http-negotiate 6.01-13 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-io-socket-inet6 2.73-4 bluewind Complete bluewind
any Extra perl-libwww 6.77-1 felixonmars Complete eric
x86_64 Extra perl-list-moreutils felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-5 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-lwp-protocol-https 6.14-1 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-mp3-info 1.26-9 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-net-http 6.23-3 felixonmars Complete eric
x86_64 Extra perl-socket6 0.29-9 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-try-tiny 0.31-4 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra perl-www-robotrules 6.02-13 felixonmars Complete eric
any Extra pm-quirks Complete jgc
any Extra poppler-data 0.4.12-2 andyrtr Complete allan
x86_64 Extra procmail Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra psutils alerque Complete allan
any Extra pulseaudio-alsa Complete heftig
any Extra smplayer-themes anthraxx Complete allan
x86_64 Extra source-highlight 3.1.9-12 jelle Complete giovanni
any Extra ttf-arphic-uming yan12125 Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-baekmuk shibumi Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-freebanglafont Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-freefont Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-hannom shibumi Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-indic-otf polyzen Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-linux-libertine Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-mph-2b-damase Complete bisson
any Extra ttf-sazanami shibumi Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra webmin Complete eric
x86_64 Extra xerces-c 3.2.5-2 lfleischer Complete andrea
any Extra xorg-fonts-cyrillic 1.0.4-2 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra xorg-sessreg 1.1.3-2 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.4-2 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra xorg-xset 1.2.5-2 andyrtr Complete andyrtr