Rebuild Todo List alpm-hooks should use Type = Path, not File

2020-01-19 - Eli Schwartz

pacman 5.2 deprecated hooks which use the "File" type; see for details.

We should use the renamed type, which is "Path". This change is a simple find/replace and has no side effects.

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25 packages displayed out of 25 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra appstream 1.0.4-1 arojas Complete arojas
any Core ca-certificates 20240618-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Core dbus 1.16.2-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra dconf 0.40.0-3 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra desktop-file-utils 0.28-1 heftig Complete heftig
any Extra dkms 3.1.6-1 seblu, gromit Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra fontconfig 2:2.16.1-1 andyrtr, heftig Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Core glib2 2.84.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.24.33-5 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gtk3 1:3.24.49-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gvfs 1.56.1-3 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Core kmod 34.1-1 eworm Complete heftig
x86_64 Multilib lib32-fontconfig 2:2.16.1-1 heftig, alucryd Complete alucryd
x86_64 Multilib lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-2 heftig Complete eworm
x86_64 Multilib lib32-glib2 2.84.0-1 heftig Complete eworm
x86_64 Multilib lib32-gtk3 1:3.24.48-1 Complete alucryd
x86_64 Core perl 5.40.1-2 Complete bluewind
x86_64 Extra shared-mime-info 2.4-1 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Core systemd 257.4-1 eworm Complete eworm
x86_64 Core texinfo 7.2-1 freswa Complete andyrtr
any Extra texlive-core Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra vim 9.1.1198-1 anthraxx, Foxboron, blakkheim Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra vlc 3.0.21-14 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra xorg-mkfontscale 1.2.3-1 andyrtr, lcarlier Complete andyrtr