1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra lua53 5.3.6-3 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications July 4, 2024

55 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra lua53 5.3.6-3 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-alt-getopt 0.8.0-2 Lua module for processing options similar to getopt_long(3) for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-argparse 0.7.1-2 Feature-rich command line parser for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-basexx 0.4.1-3 A Lua library which provides base2(bitfield), base16(hex), base32(crockford/rfc), base64(rfc/url), base85(z85) decoding and encoding for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-binaryheap 0.4-3 Binary heap implementation for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-bit32 1:0.14-1 Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library Aug. 30, 2024
any Extra lua53-busted 2.2.0-2 Elegant Lua unit testing May 26, 2024
any Extra lua53-cassowary 2.3.2-2 The cassowary constraint solver July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-cldr 0.3.0-2 Lua interface to Unicode CLDR data July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-cliargs 3.0.2-1 A command-line argument parser Dec. 18, 2023
any Extra lua53-cosmo 16.06.04-7 Safe templates for Lua July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-cqueues 20200726-5 Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-dbi 0.7.2-2 Database interface library for Lua May 19, 2023
any Extra lua53-dkjson 2.8-1 David Kolf’s Pure Lua JSON module with UTF-8 support and no external dependencies June 18, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-expat 1.5.1-1 SAX XML parser based on the Expat library May 19, 2023
any Extra lua53-fifo 0.2-2 Fifo library for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-filesystem 1.8.0-4 File System Library for the Lua Programming Language Dec. 29, 2023
any Extra lua53-fluent 0.2.0-3 Lua implementation of Project Fluent July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-http 0.4-2 HTTP Library for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-inifile 1.1-1 a simple, complete ini parser for lua Feb. 20, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-jsregexp 0.0.7-1 JavaScript regular expressions for Lua 5.3 May 17, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-lanes 3.17.0-1 a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library April 29, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-lgi 0.9.2-10 Lua bindings for gnome/gobject using gobject-introspection library Oct. 9, 2023
x86_64 Extra lua53-linenoise 0.9-9 A binding for the linenoise command line library July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-loadkit 1.1.0-2 allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-lpeg 1.1.0-2 Pattern-matching library for Lua 5.3 May 20, 2024
any Extra lua53-lpeg-patterns 0.5-2 A collection of LPEG patterns for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-luaepnf 0.3-9 Extended PEG Notation Format (easy grammars for LPeg) July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-luaossl 20220711-3 Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-luarepl 0.10-3 A reusable REPL component for Lua, written in Lua July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-luassert 1.9.0-2 Assertion library for Lua for Lua 5.3 July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-luautf8 0.1.5-3 Add UTF-8 support to Lua, compatible with Lua string module July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-lub 1.1.0-6 Lubyk base module July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-lut 1.2.1-2 Lubyk utility module July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-luv 1.48.0_2-1 Bare libuv bindings for lua - Lua 5.3 module March 2, 2024
any Extra lua53-mediator 1.1.2-7 Event handling through channels July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-mpack 1.0.10-2 Simple implementation of msgpack in C Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-penlight 1.14.0-1 Lua libraries focusing on input data handling for Lua 5.3 April 15, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-posix 36.2.1-2 POSIX bindings for Lua Dec. 2, 2023
x86_64 Extra lua53-psl 0.3-4 libpsl bindings for Lua 5.3 July 12, 2024
any Extra lua53-say 1.4.1-2 Lua string hashing library, useful for internationalization for Lua 5.3 July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-sdl2 Pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua July 31, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-sec 2:1.3.2-1 Lua bindings for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication for Lua 5.3 Sept. 21, 2023
any Extra lua53-semver 1.2.1-2 an implementation of semantic versioning (semver.org 2.0.0) in pure Lua July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-socket 1:3.1.0-1 Networking support library for the Lua language May 19, 2023
any Extra lua53-std-debug 1.0.1-3 Lua-stdlib project’s debug hints library July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-std-normalize 2.0.3-7 Lua-stdlib project’s normalized lua functions library July 4, 2024
any Extra lua53-stdlib 41.2.2-9 Library of modules for common programming tasks July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-system 0.2.1-10 Platform independent system calls for Lua July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-term 0.8-1 Terminal functions for Lua Dec. 30, 2023
any Extra lua53-testmore 0.3.7-1 A Lua port of the Perl Test::More unit testing framework March 1, 2024
any Extra lua53-vstruct 2.2.0-1 Lua library to manipulate binary data Feb. 27, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-yaml 1.1.2-8 LibYAML binding for Lua July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra lua53-zlib 1:1.2-5 Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua 5.3 July 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra texlive-bin 2024.2-2 TeX Live binaries May 19, 2024

55 matching packages found.

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