geeqie 2.5-1
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Extra |
Description: | Lightweight image viewer |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | GPL-2.0-or-later |
Maintainers: |
Andreas Radke Caleb Maclennan |
Package Size: | 1.9 MB |
Installed Size: | 5.8 MB |
Last Packager: | Andreas Radke |
Build Date: | Sept. 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m. UTC |
Signed By: | Andreas Radke |
Signature Date: | Sept. 22, 2024, 6:51 p.m. UTC |
Last Updated: | Sept. 25, 2024, 3:34 p.m. UTC |
Dependencies (54)
- cairo
- clutter
- clutter-gtk
- djvulibre
- exiv2
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- gcc-libs
- gdk-pixbuf2
- glib2
- glibc
- gspell
- gtk3
- hicolor-icon-theme
- lcms2
- libarchive
- libchamplain
- libheif
- libjpeg-turbo
- libjxl
- libraw
- libtiff
- libunwind
- lua
- openjpeg2
- pango
- poppler-glib
- sh (bash)
- evince (optional) - for print preview
- fbida (optional) - for jpeg rotation
- gawk (optional) - to use the geo-decode function
- gphoto2 (optional) - command-line tools for various (plugin) operations
- imagemagick (optional) - command-line tools for various (plugin) operations
- librsvg (optional) - SVG rendering
- libwebp (optional) - for WebP image format
- perl-image-exiftool (optional) - for the jpeg extraction plugin
- doxygen (make)
- evince (make)
- fbida (make)
- gawk (make)
- glib2-devel (make)
- graphviz (make)
- imagemagick (make)
- intltool (make)
- librsvg (make)
- libwebp (make)
- libwmf (make)
- meson (make)
- pandoc-cli (make)
- perl-image-exiftool (make)
- python (make)
- vim (make)
- yelp-tools (make)
- shellcheck (check)
- xorg-server-xvfb (check)