Flag Package: texlive-latexextra 2025.2-1 (any)
If you notice a package is out-of-date (i.e., there is a newer stable release available), then please notify us using the form below. Do not report bugs via this form!
Note that the following 41 packages will be marked out of date:
- texlive-basic 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-bibtexextra 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-binextra 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-context 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-doc 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-fontsextra 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-fontsrecommended 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-fontutils 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-formatsextra 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-games 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-humanities 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langarabic 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langchinese 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langcjk 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langcyrillic 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langczechslovak 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langenglish 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langeuropean 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langfrench 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langgerman 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langgreek 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langitalian 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langjapanese 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langkorean 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langother 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langpolish 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langportuguese 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-langspanish 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-latex 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-latexextra 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-latexrecommended 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-luatex 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-mathscience 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-meta 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-metapost 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-music 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-pictures 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-plaingeneric 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-pstricks 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-publishers 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
- texlive-xetex 2025.2-1 [extra] (any)
The message box portion is meant for short messages only. If you need more than 200 characters for your message, then file a bug report, email the maintainer directly, or send an email to the arch-general mailing list with your additional text.
Note: Do not use this facility if the package is broken! The package will be unflagged and the report will be ignored! File an issue on the package's GitLab repository instead.
Please confirm your flag request for texlive-latexextra: