Rebuild Todo List gdbm 1.15

June 20, 2018 - Bartłomiej Piotrowski

Soname version changed in new release. Packages go to [staging].

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14 packages displayed out of 14 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra apr-util 1.6.3-1 anatolik Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra cyrus-sasl 2.1.28-3 Archange Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core gdbm 1.24-1 dvzrv Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core libsasl 2.1.28-4 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra lighttpd 1.4.76-1 freswa Complete pierre
x86_64 Core man-db 2.12.1-1 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra mutt 2.2.13-3 dvzrv, blakkheim Complete bisson
x86_64 Core perl 5.38.2-2 bluewind Complete bluewind
x86_64 Extra php 8.3.9-1 pierre Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra python jelle Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra python2 Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra ruby 3.2.4-1 anatolik, bastelfreak, Segaja Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra zsh 5.9-5 eworm, freswa Complete pierre