1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Core sqlite 3.49.1-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine 2025-02-20

36 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra bogofilter-sqlite 1.2.5-12 A fast Bayesian spam filtering tool - sqlite DB backend 2024-07-17
x86_64 Extra cowsql 1.15.6-1 An embeddable and replicated SQLite engine with high availability & automatic failover 2024-10-10
x86_64 Extra dqlite 1.18.1-1 Distributed SQLite 2025-02-24
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 3.20.2-1 Sqlite3 database access component 2025-03-09
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db2-sqlite3 3.20.2-1 Sqlite3 database access component 2025-03-09
x86_64 Extra gom 0.5.3-2 GObject to SQLite object mapper library 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra gom-docs 0.5.3-2 GObject to SQLite object mapper library - documentation 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra haskell-direct-sqlite 2.3.29-20 Low-level binding to SQLite3. Includes UTF8 and BLOB support. 2025-03-10
x86_64 Extra haskell-persistent-sqlite Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra haskell-sqlite-simple Mid-Level SQLite client library 2025-03-10
x86_64 Multilib lib32-sqlite 3.49.1-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine (32-bit) 2025-03-07
x86_64 Extra libdbi-drivers 0.9.0-10 Database drivers for libdbi (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libspatialite 5.1.0-2 SQLite extension to support spatial data types and operations 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra perl-dbd-sqlite 1.76-1 Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI driver 2024-12-15
x86_64 Extra perl-dbd-sqlite2 0.38-9 Perl/CPAN Module DBD::SQLite2 2024-09-04
any Extra perl-djabberd-rosterstorage-sqlite 1.00-14 DJabberd sqlite roster storage module 2024-09-04
x86_64 Extra php-legacy-sqlite 8.2.28-1 sqlite module for PHP 2025-03-11 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra php-sqlite 8.4.5-1 sqlite module for PHP 2025-03-12
x86_64 Extra postfix-sqlite 3.10.1-1 Fast, easy to administer, secure mail server (SQLite integration) 2025-02-28
any Extra profile-cleaner 2.45-2 Simple script to vacuum and reindex sqlite databases used by browsers 2024-06-30
any Extra python-aiosqlite 0.21.0-1 Asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module 2025-02-14
any Extra python-anysqlite 0.0.5-3 Sqlite3 for asyncio and trio 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra python-apsw Python wrapper for SQLite 2025-02-22
any Extra python-minidb 2.0.8-2 Simple SQLite3 store for Python objects 2024-12-22
any Extra python-sqlite-anyio 0.2.3-2 Asynchronous client for SQLite using AnyIO 2024-12-22
any Extra python-sqlitedict 2.1.0-6 Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe 2024-12-24
x86_64 Extra redland-storage-sqlite 1:1.0.17-9 SQLite storage support for Redland 2024-03-23
x86_64 Extra ruby-sqlite3 2.6.0-1 Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database 2025-03-07
x86_64 Extra sqlcipher 4.6.1-1 SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files 2025-01-06
x86_64 Core sqlite 3.49.1-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine 2025-02-20
x86_64 Core sqlite-analyzer 3.49.1-1 An analysis program for sqlite3 database files 2025-02-20
x86_64 Core sqlite-doc 3.49.1-1 most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation 2025-02-20
x86_64 Core sqlite-tcl 3.49.1-1 sqlite Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) 2025-02-20
x86_64 Extra sqlitebrowser 3.13.1-1 A light GUI editor for SQLite databases, built on top of Qt 2025-02-16
x86_64 Extra vsqlite++ 0.3.13-9 SQLite wrapper library for C++ 2025-01-08
x86_64 Extra wxsqlite3 4.10.5-1 wxWidgets wrapper for SQLite3 2025-03-11

36 matching packages found.

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