1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra root 6.34.04-1 C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN 2025-02-11

51 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra acme-user 1.1.0-1 acme-tiny systemd files for running as dedicated user instead of root. 2025-03-08
any Extra alpine-chroot-install 0.14.0-4 Install Alpine Linux in chroot with a breeze 2024-07-11
any Extra azote 1.14.1-1 Wallpaper & color manager for wlroots-based compositors and some X11 WMs 2024-12-29
x86_64 Extra bemenu-wayland 0.6.23-1 Wayland (wlroots-based compositors) renderer for bemenu 2024-07-27
x86_64 Extra broot 1.44.7-1 Fuzzy Search + tree + cd 2025-02-12
x86_64 Extra chrootuid 1.3-11 Runs a command in a restricted environment. 2024-07-12
any Core dnssec-anchors 20190629-4 DNSSEC trust anchors for the root zone 2024-07-05
x86_64 Extra fakechroot 2.20.1-4 Gives a fake chroot environment 2024-07-03
x86_64 Core fakeroot 1.37-1 Tool for simulating superuser privileges 2025-01-26
x86_64 Extra fulcio 1.6.6-2 free Root-CA for code signing certs - issuing certificates based on an OIDC email address. 2025-03-07
x86_64 Extra fuzzel 1.11.1-2 Application launcher for wlroots based Wayland compositors 2024-09-23
x86_64 Extra gap 4.14.0-3 Groups, Algorithms, Programming: a system for computational discrete algebra 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra haskell-integer-roots Integer roots and perfect powers 2025-03-10
x86_64 Extra hsetroot 1.0.5-2 Tool which allows you to compose wallpapers ("root pixmaps") for X. Fork by Hyriand 2024-06-17
x86_64 Extra hyprpicker 0.4.2-3 A wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck 2025-01-28
x86_64 Multilib lib32-fakeroot 1.37-1 Tool for simulating superuser privileges (32-bit) 2025-01-26
x86_64 Core mkinitcpio-nfs-utils 0.3-8 ipconfig and nfsmount tools for NFS root support in mkinitcpio 2023-05-20
x86_64 Extra nwg-bar 0.1.6-2 GTK3-based button bar for sway and other wlroots-based compositors 2024-08-20
x86_64 Extra nwg-drawer 0.6.3-1 Application drawer for sway and other wlroots-based compositors 2025-01-29
x86_64 Extra nwg-look 1.0.3-1 GTK settings editor adapted to work on wlroots-based compositors 2025-03-09
x86_64 Extra nwg-menu 0.1.7-1 MenuStart for sway and other wlroots-based compositors 2025-01-11
any Extra perl-file-sharedir-projectdistdir 1.000009-8 Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root 2024-09-04
any Extra pmbootstrap 3.3.1-1 Sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS 2025-02-28
any Extra python-cheroot 10.0.1-5 Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server 2024-12-28
x86_64 Extra python-pywlroots 0.17.0-3 Python binding to the wlroots library using cffi 2024-12-22
any Extra python-scikit-hep-testdata 0.5.3-1 A common package to provide example files (e.g. ROOT) for testing and developing packages against 2025-03-06
any Extra python-uproot 5.6.0-1 Minimalist CERN ROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy 2025-03-11
any Extra python-uproot-docs 5.6.0-1 Minimalist CERN ROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy - documentation 2025-03-11
x86_64 Extra qwlroots 0.5.3-1 Qt and QML bindings for wlroots 2025-02-25
any Extra rkhunter 1.4.6-3 Checks machines for the presence of rootkits and other unwanted tools. 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra root 6.34.04-1 C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN 2025-02-11
x86_64 Extra root-cuda 6.34.04-1 C++ data analysis framework and interpreter from CERN with GPU (CUDA) features enabled 2025-02-11
x86_64 Extra rootlesskit 2.2.0-1 Native "fake root" for implementing rootless containers 2024-08-15
x86_64 Extra schroot 1.6.13-6 Allows users to execute shell commands under different root filesystems. (Successor to dchroot). 2025-02-07
x86_64 Extra sirocco 2.1.0-3 C++ library that allows to compute piecewise linear approximations of the path followed by the root of a complex polynomial 2024-07-13
x86_64 Core sudo 1.9.16.p2-2 Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root 2024-12-22
any Extra texlive-mathscience 2025.1-1 TeX Live - Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra thunar-shares-plugin 1:0.4.0-1 Thunar plugin to quickly share a folder using Samba without requiring root access 2025-01-19
x86_64 Extra unhide 20220611-3 A forensic tool to find processes hidden by rootkits, LKMs or by other techniques. 2024-07-14
x86_64 Extra waybar 0.12.0-1 Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors 2025-02-24
x86_64 Extra waylib 0.6.12-1 A wrapper for wlroots based on Qt 2025-03-06
x86_64 Extra wayvnc 0.9.1-1 VNC server for wlroots-based Wayland compositors 2025-01-02
x86_64 Extra wf-recorder 0.5.0-2 Screen recorder for wlroots-based compositors such as sway 2024-11-07
any Extra wlr-protocols r107.ffb89ac-1 Wayland protocols designed for use in wlroots (and other compositors). 2025-01-17
x86_64 Extra wlroots 0.18.2-1 Modular Wayland compositor library 2024-12-14
x86_64 Extra wlroots0.17 0.17.4-3 Modular Wayland compositor library 2024-07-26
x86_64 Extra wmenu 0.1.9-1 Efficient dynamic menu for Wayland and wlroots based Wayland compositors 2024-06-26
x86_64 Extra wofi 1.4.1-1 launcher for wlroots-based wayland compositors 2024-02-18
x86_64 Extra xdg-desktop-portal-wlr 0.7.1-1 xdg-desktop-portal backend for wlroots 2024-08-16
x86_64 Extra xorg-xsetroot 1.1.3-2 Classic X utility to set your root window background to a given pattern or color 2024-07-14
x86_64 Extra xrootd 5.7.3-1 Software framework for fast, low latency, scalable and fault tolerant data access. 2025-01-28

51 matching packages found.

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