vivaldi 7.0.3495.27-1
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Extra |
Description: | An advanced browser made with the power user in mind. |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | custom |
Maintainers: |
Ike Devolder |
Package Size: | 123.7 MB |
Installed Size: | 390.4 MB |
Last Packager: | Ike Devolder |
Build Date: | 2024-12-19 22:57 UTC |
Signed By: | Ike Devolder |
Signature Date: | 2024-12-19 23:05 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-20 08:36 UTC |
Dependencies (15)
- alsa-lib
- desktop-file-utils
- hicolor-icon-theme
- libcups
- libxss
- nss
- shared-mime-info
- ttf-font (ttf-bitstream-vera, gnu-free-fonts, noto-fonts, ttf-croscore, ttf-dejavu, ttf-droid, ttf-ibm-plex, ttf-input, ttf-liberation, ttf-input-nerd)
- gtk3 (optional) - gtk3 integration
- libnotify (optional) - native notifications
- org.freedesktop.secrets (gnome-keyring, keepassxc, kwallet5, kwallet) (optional) - better secret storage in gnome-keyring or kwallet
- qt5-base (optional) - qt5 integration
- qt6-base (optional) - qt6 integration
- vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs (optional) - playback of proprietary video/audio
- w3m (make)