Task Todo List Remove usage of makepkg subroutines from PKGBUILDs
The use of makepkg subroutines has been discussed in an old ticket [1].
In 2017 a warning about this was added to namcap and recently the wiki has been been updated to reflect this [2].
A list of packages (with false positives) can be found here [3].
Time for a cleanup!
As a sidenote: If you find, that you are shadowing a test run in check() (e.g. `test || warning "Test is broken"`) please consider *why* you are doing this and whether only a subset of the tests can be run instead (e.g. because parts of the tests are integration tests anyways, that can not be run in makechrootpkg).
After the creation of this TODO, all the functions in this list was made available through libmakepkg and can be considered fine to use inside PKGBUILDs.
[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/43502
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_package_guidelines#Package_etiquette
[3] https://pkgbuild.vdwaa.nl/?q=(msg%20%7Cmsg2%20%7Cwarning%20%7Cerror%20%7Cplain%20)&i=nope&files=.*%2Ftrunk%2FPKGBUILD&repos=
Filter Todo List Packages
Arch | Repository | Name | Current Version | Staging Version | Maintainers | Status | Last Touched By |
x86_64 | Core | bash | 5.2.037-1 | tpowa, felixonmars, anthraxx, grazzolini | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Extra | bind | 9.20.6-1 | seblu, blakkheim | Complete | heftig | |
x86_64 | Extra | bird | 3.0.1-1 | seblu, carsme | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | btrfs-progs | 6.13-1 | tpowa, seblu | Complete | tpowa | |
x86_64 | Core | coreutils | 9.6-3 | tpowa, seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | diffutils | 3.11-1 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Extra | dkms | 3.1.5-1 | seblu, gromit | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | file | 5.46-3 | seblu, eworm | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | firefox | 136.0-1 | heftig | Complete | heftig | |
any | Extra | geoip-database | 20250129-1 | foutrelis | Complete | foutrelis | |
x86_64 | Core | glibc | 2.41+r9+ga900dbaf70f0-1 | grazzolini, freswa | Complete | foutrelis | |
x86_64 | Core | grep | 3.11-1 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | gzip | 1.13-4 | seblu, eworm | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | ipset | 7.23-1 | seblu, eworm | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Extra | jasper | 4.2.4-2 | anthraxx | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Extra | jsoncpp | 1.9.6-3 | anthraxx | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-gettext | 0.22.5-1 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 | 12.10.0.r298-2 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libappindicator-gtk3 | 12.10.0.r298-2 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libdbusmenu-glib | 16.04.0-6 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libdbusmenu-gtk2 | 16.04.0-6 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libdbusmenu-gtk3 | 16.04.0-6 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libindicator-gtk2 | 12.10.1-10 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libindicator-gtk3 | 12.10.1-10 | anthraxx | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-pcre | 8.45-4 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-readline | 8.2.013-1 | felixonmars, grazzolini | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | libnftnl | 1.2.8-1 | seblu, eworm | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | linux | 6.13.5.arch1-1 | tpowa, heftig, anthraxx, dvzrv | Complete | heftig | |
x86_64 | Extra | linux-hardened | 6.12.17.hardened1-1 | anthraxx | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Core | linux-lts | 6.12.17-1 | andyrtr | Complete | heftig | |
x86_64 | Extra | linux-zen | 6.13.5.zen1-1 | heftig | Complete | heftig | |
x86_64 | Extra | lua-lpeg | 1.1.0-3 | eworm, alerque | Complete | eworm | |
x86_64 | Core | lz4 | 1:1.10.0-2 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | nftables | 1:1.1.1-2 | seblu, eworm | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | numactl | 2.0.19-1 | Lahwaacz, dvzrv | Complete | dvzrv | |
any | Extra | ovmf | Complete | anatolik | |||
x86_64 | Core | patch | 2.7.6-10 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | pcre | 8.45-4 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Extra | perl-io-socket-ssl | 2.089-1 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Extra | perl-xml-twig | 3.52-13 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | postgresql | 17.2-3 | anthraxx | Complete | anthraxx | |
any | Extra | python-beaker | 1.13.0-3 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Extra | python-isort | alerque | Complete | alerque | ||
any | Extra | python-pip | 25.0.1-1 | dvzrv, gromit | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | python-pycurl | 7.45.3-2 | felixonmars, polyzen | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Extra | python-pyelftools | 0.31-3 | anthraxx | Complete | anthraxx | |
any | Extra | python-pyopenssl | 25.0.0-1 | Complete | Foxboron | ||
x86_64 | Extra | quagga | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | ||
x86_64 | Core | readline | 8.2.013-1 | tpowa, felixonmars, anthraxx, grazzolini | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | refind-efi | Complete | dvzrv | |||
x86_64 | Extra | rust | 1:1.85.0-1 | heftig, demize | Complete | heftig | |
any | Extra | scons | 4.8.1-2 | dvzrv | Complete | dvzrv | |
x86_64 | Core | sed | 4.9-3 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | spamassassin | 4.0.1-4 | alerque | Complete | bluewind | |
x86_64 | Extra | swig | 4.3.0-1 | felixonmars | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | tar | 1.35-2 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | ulogd | 2.0.8-2 | seblu | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Extra | valgrind | 3.24.0-3 | anthraxx, gromit | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Extra | vim | 9.1.1165-1 | anthraxx, Foxboron, blakkheim | Complete | anthraxx | |
x86_64 | Extra | vlc | 3.0.21-13 | 3.0.21-14 | anthraxx, dvzrv | Complete | anthraxx |
x86_64 | Multilib | wine | 10.2-2 | felixonmars, ptr1337 | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Multilib | wine-staging | 10.2-1 | felixonmars, ptr1337 | Complete | Foxboron | |
any | Core | wireless-regdb | 2025.02.20-1 | tpowa | Complete | Foxboron | |
x86_64 | Core | wpa_supplicant | 2:2.11-3 | foutrelis, Foxboron | Complete | Foxboron |