Rebuild Todo List Rebuild packages signed by 355BDB97ED4724E6B3A450E7A3D9562A589874AB

2022-02-24 - David Runge

The new packager key with the ID 209A36D43CE2E87DA861FC58539DFD48135182EF has been added to archlinux-keyring [1].

All packages still signed by the previous key (355BDB97ED4724E6B3A450E7A3D9562A589874AB) need to be rebuilt, so that signatures on it can be revoked.
Rebuilds go straight to the stable repositories.


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12 packages displayed out of 12 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra bigloo 4.5b-5 juergen Complete arojas
x86_64 Multilib cmucl 21e-1 juergen Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra emacs 29.4-4 juergen, freswa Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra lablgtk2 Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra metalog 20230719-2 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-bigarray-compat 1.1.0-6 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-compiler-libs 5.3.0-1 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-ctypes 0.23.0-2 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-integers 0.7.0-9 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-result 1.5-14 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra ocaml-topkg 1.0.7-6 juergen Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra sbcl 2.5.0-1 juergen Complete felixonmars