Rebuild Todo List Move to pcre2

2024-02-28 - David Runge

The pcre library is EOL and unmaintained.
We need to move dependents to use pcre2 instead.

Rebuilds go straight to the stable repositories (unless there are stability concerns due to introduced patches, in which case rebuilds should go to testing).

Any dependents that can not use pcre2 right away should get an upstream ticket to track progress on porting to pcre2.
Please add links to upstream tickets in

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

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46 packages displayed out of 46 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra aircrack-ng 1.7-5 anthraxx Incomplete
x86_64 Extra arbtt felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra blender 17:4.3.2-8 svenstaro, alerque Complete svenstaro
x86_64 Extra cclive 0.9.3-32 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ccze jlichtblau Complete jlichtblau
x86_64 Extra cgrep 6.6.32-460 6.6.32-461 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra cppcheck 2.16.0-2 grawlinson Incomplete
x86_64 Extra deepin-anything 5.0.18-1 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra deepin-file-manager 1:6.0.50-1 1:6.0.50-2 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ettercap anthraxx, sangy Incomplete
x86_64 Extra ettercap-gtk anthraxx, sangy Incomplete
x86_64 Extra freeradius 3.2.7-1 eworm Complete eworm
x86_64 Extra gsmartcontrol 1.1.4-1 orhun Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-mysql-simple 0.4.9-48 0.4.9-49 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-pcre-heavy felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-pcre-light felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-persistent-mysql felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-regex-pcre felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-tamarin-prover-accountability 1.10.0-6 1.10.0-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-tamarin-prover-export 1.10.0-6 1.10.0-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-tamarin-prover-sapic 1.10.0-6 1.10.0-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra haskell-tamarin-prover-theory 1.10.0-6 1.10.0-7 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra io Complete arodseth
x86_64 Extra kjs felixonmars, arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra kodi 21.2-5 idevolder Incomplete
x86_64 Extra kodi-gles 21.2-5 idevolder Incomplete
x86_64 Extra libmp3splt tpowa Complete tpowa
x86_64 Extra misfortune felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.9.4-6 eworm Complete eworm
x86_64 Extra nmap 7.95-1 anthraxx Complete anthraxx
x86_64 Extra opencollada svenstaro Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra pdfgrep 2.2.0-5 alerque Complete alerque
x86_64 Extra pkgfile 22-1 dbermond Incomplete
x86_64 Extra privoxy 3.0.34-3 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra quagga seblu Complete seblu
x86_64 Extra rasqal 1:0.9.33-7 dvzrv, gromit Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra root 6.34.04-1 Lahwaacz, kgizdov Complete Lahwaacz
x86_64 Extra root-cuda 6.34.04-1 Lahwaacz, kgizdov Complete Lahwaacz
x86_64 Extra sarg 2.4.0-4 spupykin Complete spupykin
x86_64 Extra slang 2.3.3-3 jelle Incomplete
x86_64 Extra sniproxy 0.6.1-2 spupykin Complete spupykin
x86_64 Extra tamarin-prover 1.10.0-14 1.10.0-15 felixonmars Incomplete
x86_64 Extra the_silver_searcher 2.2.0-3 arodseth Complete arodseth
x86_64 Extra tup 0.8-2 anatolik Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra uwsgi 2.0.28-3 felixonmars, dvzrv Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra zsh 5.9-5 eworm, freswa Complete eworm