1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra virtualbox 7.1.6-2 Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use 2025-01-27

17 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra libvirt 1:11.1.0-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) 2025-03-07
x86_64 Core linux 6.13.7.arch1-1 The Linux kernel and modules 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra linux-hardened 6.13.6.hardened1-1 The Security-Hardened Linux kernel and modules 2025-03-08
x86_64 Core linux-lts 6.12.19-1 The LTS Linux kernel and modules 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra linux-rt 6.10.2.rt14.arch1-5 The Linux RT kernel and modules 2025-02-09 2024-10-18
x86_64 Extra linux-rt-lts 6.6.52.rt43.arch1-4 The Linux RT LTS kernel and modules 2025-02-09 2024-12-12
x86_64 Extra linux-zen 6.13.7.zen1-1 The Linux ZEN kernel and modules 2025-03-15
any Extra phpvirtualbox 5.2_1-8 PHP/AJAX web interface for VirtualBox 2023-05-19 2024-09-13
x86_64 Extra virtualbox 7.1.6-2 Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use 2025-01-27
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-ext-vnc 7.1.6-2 VirtualBox VNC extension pack 2025-01-27
any Extra virtualbox-guest-iso 7.1.6-1 The official VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO image 2025-01-21
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-guest-utils 7.1.6-2 VirtualBox Guest userspace utilities 2025-01-27
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-guest-utils-nox 7.1.6-2 VirtualBox Guest userspace utilities without X support 2025-01-27
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-host-dkms 7.1.6-2 VirtualBox Host kernel modules sources 2025-01-27
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-host-modules-arch 7.1.6-12 Virtualbox host kernel modules for Arch Kernel 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-host-modules-lts 7.1.6-13 Virtualbox host kernel modules for LTS Kernel 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra virtualbox-sdk 7.1.6-2 VirtualBox Software Developer Kit (SDK) 2025-01-27

17 matching packages found.

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