2 exact matches found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra fcitx5 5.1.10-1 Next generation of fcitx June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra-Testing fcitx5 5.1.10-2 Next generation of fcitx Sept. 9, 2024

28 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra fcitx5 5.1.10-1 Next generation of fcitx June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra-Testing fcitx5 5.1.10-2 Next generation of fcitx Sept. 9, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-anthy 5.1.4-1 Anthy Wrapper for Fcitx5 April 26, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-bamboo 1.0.6-1 Bamboo (Vietnamese Input Method) engine support for Fcitx June 4, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-breeze 3.0.0-1 Fcitx5 theme to match KDE's Breeze style. June 15, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-chewing 5.1.5-1 Chewing Wrapper for Fcitx5 June 27, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-chinese-addons 5.1.6-3 Addons related to Chinese, including IME previous bundled inside fcitx4 Sept. 2, 2024
x86_64 Extra-Testing fcitx5-chinese-addons 5.1.6-4 Addons related to Chinese, including IME previous bundled inside fcitx4 Sept. 9, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-configtool 5.1.6-1 Configuration Tool for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-gtk 5.1.3-1 Fcitx5 gtk im module and glib based dbus client library April 26, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-hangul 5.1.4-1 Hangul Wrapper for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-kkc 5.1.4-1 KKC Wrapper for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-libthai 5.1.3-1 Libthai Wrapper for Fcitx5 April 26, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-lua 5.0.13-1 Lua support for Fcitx 5 April 26, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-m17n 5.1.1-1 m17n Wrapper for Fcitx5 April 28, 2024
x86_64 Extra-Testing fcitx5-m17n 5.1.1-2 m17n Wrapper for Fcitx5 Sept. 9, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-material-color 0.2.1-2 Material color theme for fcitx5 July 12, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-mozc 2.26.4632.102.g4d2e3bd-2 Fcitx5 Module of A Japanese Input Method for Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux (the Open Source Edition of Google Japanese Input) May 19, 2023 Feb. 28, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-nord Fcitx5 theme based on Nord color July 12, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-pinyin-zhwiki 1: Fcitx 5 Pinyin Dictionary from zh.wikipedia.org Sept. 9, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-qt 5.1.6-5 Fcitx5 Qt Library (Qt5 & Qt6 integrations) Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-rime 5.1.8-1 RIME support for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-sayura 5.1.2-1 Sinhala Transe IME engine for Fcitx5 May 10, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-skk 5.1.4-1 libskk wrapper for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-table-extra 5.1.6-1 Extra tables for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
any Extra fcitx5-table-other 5.1.3-1 Other tables for Fcitx5 June 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra fcitx5-unikey 5.1.4-1 Unikey engine support for Fcitx5 May 10, 2024
any Extra ssfconv 1.1.1-2 Sogou input method skin file (.ssf file) converter, supports conversion to fcitx or fcitx5 format July 13, 2024

28 matching packages found.

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