1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra apr 1.7.5-3 The Apache Portable Runtime 2024-09-18

15 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra apr 1.7.5-3 The Apache Portable Runtime 2024-09-18
x86_64 Extra apr-util 1.6.3-2 The Apache Portable Runtime 2024-09-18
x86_64 Extra bshapr 0.13-3 Beat/ envelope shaper LV2 plugin 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra chromaprint 1.5.1-10 Library for extracting fingerprints from any audio source 2025-03-14
x86_64 Extra couchdb 3.4.2-5 Document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JSON 2025-02-20
x86_64 Extra-Testing couchdb 3.4.3-1 Document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JSON 2025-03-17
x86_64 Extra haproxy 3.1.5-1 Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer 2025-02-20
x86_64 Extra-Testing haproxy 3.1.6-1 Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra haskell-io-streams-haproxy HAProxy protocol 1.5 support for io-streams 2025-03-10
x86_64 Extra paprefs 1.2-3 Configuration dialog for PulseAudio 2024-07-14
any Extra python-pyacoustid 1.3.0-5 Bindings for Chromaprint acoustic fingerprinting and the Acoustid API 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra ruby-pcaprub 0.13.3-2 Consistent interface to libpcap packet capture library 2024-10-14
any Extra texlive-langjapanese 2025.1-1 TeX Live - Japanese 2025-03-14
any Extra texlive-luatex 2025.1-1 TeX Live - LuaTeX packages 2025-03-14
any Extra zaproxy 2.16.0-2 Integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications 2025-03-12

15 matching packages found.

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