Group Details - kde-utilities (x86_64)

32 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra ark 24.12.2-1 Archiving Tool 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra filelight 24.12.2-1 View disk usage information 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra francis 24.12.2-1 Track your time 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra isoimagewriter 24.12.2-1 Program to write hybrid ISO files onto USB disks 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kalk 24.12.2-1 A powerful cross-platform calculator application built with the Kirigami framework 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kalm 24.12.2-1 Kalm can teach you different breathing techniques 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kate 24.12.2-1 Advanced text editor 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kbackup 24.12.2-1 A program that lets you back up any directories or files 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kcalc 24.12.2-1 Scientific Calculator 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kcharselect 24.12.2-1 Character Selector 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kclock 24.12.2-1 Clock app for Plasma Mobile 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kdebugsettings 24.12.2-1 An application to enable/disable qCDebug 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kdf 24.12.2-1 View Disk Usage 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kdialog 24.12.2-1 A utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra keditbookmarks 24.12.2-1 Bookmark Organizer and Editor 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra keysmith 24.12.2-1 OTP client for Plasma Mobile and Desktop 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kfind 24.12.2-1 Find Files/Folders 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kgpg 24.12.2-1 A GnuPG frontend 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kongress 24.12.2-1 Companion application for conferences 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra konsole 24.12.2-1 KDE terminal emulator 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra-Staging konsole 24.12.2-2 KDE terminal emulator 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra krecorder 24.12.2-1 Audio recorder for Plasma Mobile and other platforms 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kteatime 24.12.2-1 A handy timer for steeping tea 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra ktimer 24.12.2-1 Countdown Launcher 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra ktrip 24.12.2-1 Public Transport Assistance for Mobile Devices 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kwalletmanager 24.12.2-1 Wallet management tool 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra kweather 24.12.2-1 Weather application for Plasma Mobile 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra markdownpart 24.12.2-1 KPart for rendering Markdown content 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra skanpage 24.12.2-1 Utility to scan images and multi-page documents 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra sweeper 24.12.2-1 System Cleaner 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra telly-skout 24.12.2-1 Convergent TV guide based on Kirigami 2025-02-06
x86_64 Extra yakuake 24.12.2-1 A drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE konsole technology 2025-02-06