Rebuild Todo List scons/python2-scons split

2019-07-26 - David Runge

Scons is now python3 based, whereas the split package python2-scons remains as a compatibility package (for now).

Please test, whether your dependant package can be built with scons. If it can only be built with python2-scons (note, that the executable name has changed to `scons2`), please report a bug upstream and use the python2 version of the build tool, until the package was fixed (upstream or in packaging).

All rebuilt/fixed packages go to staging/community-staging.

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2 packages displayed out of 2 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra galera 26.4.21-1 26.4.21-4 eworm Complete eworm
x86_64 Extra serf 1.3.10-2 felixonmars Complete arojas