Rebuild Todo List Remove python-pip from makedepends

2022-11-02 - David Runge

We do not want to build Python packages using python-pip, as it is usually not required. The different PEP517 backends (python-setuptools, python-pdm-pep517, python-flit-core, python-poetry-core, python-hatch) together with python-build and python-installer provide all the required tools for building and installation.
Pip can be used to download arbitrary Python packages via during build time.

Please remove all uses of python-pip in makedepends and replace them with the project's respective build backends (especially in cases where pip is used to download and install arbitrary dependencies or the respective project's wheel).

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1 packages displayed out of 1 total package.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra fmt 11.1.4-1 alucryd, carsme Complete alucryd