Rebuild Todo List PHP 5.5 scripts check list

2013-08-10 - Pierre Schmitz

These packages contain *.php files and should be checked if they still work with PHP 5.5 from [testing]. There might be false positives; just mark them as complete.

Mark compatible packages as complete. If needed push a fixed version to the stable repos ([extra] and [community]). If you encounter any problems please send a mail to arch-dev-public.

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

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11 packages displayed out of 11 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra amule arojas Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra git 2.48.1-2 eworm, gromit Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra graphviz 12.2.1-1 lfleischer Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra kdesdk-umbrello Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra kdevelop-php 24.12.3-1 felixonmars, arojas Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra libgda Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra python2-pygame Foxboron Complete eric
x86_64 Extra transcode Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra usermin Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra webmin Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra wxpython Complete eric