Rebuild Todo List OpenEXR 3.2

Aug. 30, 2023 - Antonio Rojas

To [staging]

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26 packages displayed out of 26 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra blender 17:4.2.0-3 svenstaro, freswa Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra darktable 2:4.8.1-1 Archange, Foxboron, alerque Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra freeimage 3.18.0-22 svenstaro Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra gdal 3.9.1-2 jlichtblau, Archange Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra gegl 0.4.48-4 eworm, gromit Complete gromit
x86_64 Extra gimp 2.10.38-1 eworm, gromit Complete gromit
x86_64 Extra gmic 3.4.0-2 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-bad 1.24.5-2 heftig Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra hugin 2023.0.0-2 Archange, alerque Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra imagemagick arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra kimageformats felixonmars, arojas, tcanabrava Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra kio-extras 24.05.2-1 felixonmars, arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 KDE-Unstable krita 5.2.3-1 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra libjxl 0.10.3-1 dbermond Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra libvips 8.15.1-5 hashworks Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra luminancehdr 2.6.1-18 jlichtblau Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra opencolorio 2.3.2-3 svenstaro Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra opencv 4.10.0-3 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra opencv-cuda 4.10.0-3 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra openexr 3.2.4-1 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra openimageio svenstaro Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra openscenegraph 3.6.5-24 anthraxx Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra povray 2: arodseth, alerque Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra swayimg 2.5-1 ainola, Antiz Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra synfig 1.4.5-1 bgyorgy Complete blakkheim
x86_64 Extra vigra 1.11.2-6 Archange, alerque Complete blakkheim