Rebuild Todo List openexr 3.0 rebuild

2021-04-23 - Antonio Rojas

This comes with major build system changes. The libHalf and libImath libraries have been merged and are split to a new imath package (which openexr depends on). If your package only depends on these libraries, you should change the openexr dependency to imath.
Packages that ship a custom FindOpenEXR.cmake will stop building, since all libraries are renamed. Instead of fixing all the downstream FindOpenEXR.cmake, try to port it to use the native OpenEXRConfig cmake targets (see patch in kimageformats).
Packages go to [staging]

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10 packages displayed out of 10 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra calligra 24.12.3-1 felixonmars, arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra gegl 0.4.54-1 eworm, gromit Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra gimp 2.10.38-5 eworm, gromit Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-bad 1.24.12-4 Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra imagemagick arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra kimageformats felixonmars, arojas, tcanabrava Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra kio-extras 24.12.3-1 felixonmars, arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra krita 5.2.9-2 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra opencv 4.11.0-4 4.11.0-5 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra openexr 3.3.2-1 arojas Complete arojas