Rebuild Todo List Lua 5.4 rebuild

2020-06-30 - Anatol Pomozov

Lua 5.4 is released a and we need to rebuild lua specific packages. lua 5.4 is in [staging].

There is also lua53 package in [testing] one can use if the package is not compatible with 5.4.

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12 packages displayed out of 12 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra apache 2.4.62-1 anatolik Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra conky 1.22.0-1 anthraxx, carsme Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra gnuplot 6.0.2-1 arojas Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra graphviz 12.2.1-1 lfleischer Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra grilo-plugins 1:0.3.16-1 heftig Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra lighttpd 1.4.77-1 freswa Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra lua 5.4.7-1 anatolik, daurnimator, alerque Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra lua-lgi alerque Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra lua-lpeg 1.1.0-3 eworm, alerque Complete eworm
x86_64 Extra nmap 7.95-1 anthraxx Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra vlc 3.0.21-12 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra xournalpp hashworks Complete anatolik