Rebuild Todo List libvpx and libx264 rebuild

2021-10-12 - Maxime Gauduin

Newest libvpx and libx264 both have soname bumps, let's handle both of them. Packages go to staging. Note that we have some overlap with the libffi rebuild so this should wait until libffi is done. -> ->

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14 packages displayed out of 14 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra avidemux-cli 2.8.1-6 anthraxx Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra avidemux-qt 2.8.1-6 anthraxx Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra ffmpeg 2:7.1-6 alucryd Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-good 1.24.12-1 Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.12-1 Complete alucryd
x86_64 Multilib lib32-gst-plugins-good 1.24.12-1 Complete alucryd
x86_64 Multilib lib32-libvpx 1.15.0-1 felixonmars, alucryd Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra libvpx 1.15.0-1 alucryd Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra mencoder 38542-4 anthraxx Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra qt5-webengine 5.15.18-5 5.15.18-6 felixonmars, arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra qt6-webengine 6.8.2-1 6.8.2-3 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra thunderbird 128.7.0-3 128.7.0-4 anthraxx, artafinde Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra vlc 3.0.21-12 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra x264 3:0.164.r3108.31e19f9-2 alucryd Complete alucryd