Rebuild Todo List libupnp 1.14.0

2020-09-25 - David Runge

The upgrade to libupnp 1.14.0 introduces a (or rather several) soname bump(s).

While mpd and vlc seem to build fine with it, amule and jami-daemon are (out-of-the-box) only compatible with libupnp <= 1.12.1.

For the latter case libupnp1.12 has been added to [community-staging].
However, note that the libraries and directories have been renamed to prevent name conflicts! If you can make amule and/or jami-daemon compatible with the latest libupnp, all the better!

Rebuilds go to [staging]/[community-staging].

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3 packages displayed out of 3 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra libupnp 1.14.20-2 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra mpd 0.23.17-1 anthraxx, dvzrv, blakkheim Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra vlc 3.0.21-12 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete dvzrv