Rebuild Todo List hidapi now optdepends on libusb and libudev

2020-11-01 - Filipe Laíns


hidapi used to have an hard dependency on libusb, but as it is only required when using the libusb backend ( I've made it optional.

hidapi 0.10.0 also gained a dependency for the hidraw backend. It now needs libudev.

Please check which backend your package uses.
If it uses the libusb one (, please add a hard dependency on libusb.
If it uses the hidraw one (, please add a hard dependency on

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me on IRC or email.


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3 packages displayed out of 3 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra libfido2 1.15.0-1 anthraxx, eworm Complete anthraxx
x86_64 Extra libnitrokey 3.8-3 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete anthraxx
x86_64 Extra sdl2 svenstaro, alucryd Complete svenstaro