Rebuild Todo List Guile 2.2.0

2017-03-29 - Bartłomiej Piotrowski → has been removed.

There is also guile2.0 package that can be co-installed with guile.

Packages go to [staging].

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9 packages displayed out of 9 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra aisleriot 3.22.35-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra autogen 5.18.16-5 Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra gdb 16.2-1 anatolik, anthraxx, gromit Complete anatolik
x86_64 Extra gnucash 5.10-3 jlichtblau, bgyorgy Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core gnutls 3.8.8-1 andyrtr Complete andyrtr
x86_64 Extra graphviz 12.2.1-1 lfleischer Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra guile freswa Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Core make 4.4.1-2 lfleischer Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra weechat shibumi, alerque Complete bpiotrowski