Rebuild Todo List dnsutils to ldns migration

2013-03-11 - Gaetan Bisson

We are removing dnsutils from [core]. (It cannot be built independently from bind anymore, and the whole thing is becoming a mess anyhow.)

Please update your packages to depend on ldns instead (already in [core]).

While dnsutils provided three similar DNS query tools (dig, host, nslookup), ldns provides drill, a near-drop-in replacement for dig (which can therefore easily replace host and nslookup too). To update, you must replace all calls to dig/host/nslookup in your packages to calls to drill. Simple calls such as `dig` can simply be rewritten as `drill`; see `drill -h` for more details and please contact me if you cannot figure out how to migrate.

Updated packages may go directly in [extra] or [community].


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3 packages displayed out of 3 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra archboot Complete tpowa
any Extra gajim anthraxx, Antiz Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra gnome-nettool 42.0-3 heftig Complete heftig