Rebuild Todo List Changed location for openmpi libraries

2022-06-12 - David Runge

With openmpi >= 4.1.3 the shared object files are no longer private (as dependencies have been added to the build).

To ensure that dependents can find the openmpi components properly, rebuild them. If the package in question has been rebuilt/ upgraded against openmpi >= 4.1.3 just mark the item as done.

Rebuilds go straight to the stable repositories.

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

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5 packages displayed out of 5 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra avogadrolibs-qt5 1.100.0-1 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra boost-libs 1.87.0-2 1.87.0-3 foutrelis, gromit Complete foutrelis
x86_64 Extra fftw 3.3.10-7 Lahwaacz, dvzrv Complete dvzrv
x86_64 Extra opencv 4.11.0-3 arojas Complete arojas
x86_64 Extra python-opencv 4.11.0-3 arojas Complete arojas