1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra fish 4.0.1-2 Smart and user friendly shell intended mostly for interactive use 2025-03-19

31 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra angelfish 24.12.3-1 Web browser for Plasma Mobile 2025-03-06
x86_64 KDE-Unstable angelfish 25.03.80-1 Web browser for Plasma Mobile 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra bluefish 2.2.15-3 A powerful HTML editor for experienced web designers and programmers 2024-12-22 2025-02-10
any Extra catfish 4.20.0-2 Versatile file searching tool 2024-12-25
x86_64 Extra cutefish-calculator 0.4-2 CutefishOS Calculator 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cutefish-core 0.8-2 System components and backend of CutefishOS 2023-10-01
x86_64 Extra cutefish-dock 0.8-1 CutefishOS application dock 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cutefish-filemanager 0.8-2 Cutefish File Manager, simple to use, beautiful, and retain the classic PC interactive design 2023-10-01
any Extra cutefish-icons 0.8-2 System default icon theme of CutefishOS 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra cutefish-launcher 0.8-2 CutefishOS's full-screen application launcher 2023-10-01
x86_64 Extra cutefish-qt-plugins 0.5-4 Unify Qt application style of CutefishOS 2024-05-06
x86_64 Extra cutefish-screenlocker 0.5-2 CutefishOS system screen locker 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cutefish-settings 0.8-9 System Settings application for Cutefish Desktop 2025-02-20
x86_64 Extra cutefish-statusbar 0.7-1 Top status bar of CutefishOS 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cutefish-terminal 0.7-1 A terminal emulator for Cutefish 2023-05-19
any Extra cutefish-wallpapers 1.0-2 CutefishOS's system wallpaper 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra fillets-ng 1.0.1-12 Port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets 2024-07-12
any Extra fillets-ng-data 1.0.1-4 Data files for the port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra fish 4.0.1-2 Smart and user friendly shell intended mostly for interactive use 2025-03-19
any Extra fisher 4.4.5-1 A package manager for the fish shell 2024-09-22
x86_64 Extra fishui 0.8-2 GUI library based on QQC2 for Cutefish applications 2023-10-01
x86_64 Extra jumpy 0.12.2-1 Tactical 2D shooter in fishy pixels style 2024-09-13
x86_64 Extra libcutefish 0.7-5 System library for Cutefish applications 2024-09-18
x86_64 Extra libfishsound 1.0.1-2 A simple programming interface that wraps Xiph.Org audio codecs 2025-02-21
x86_64 Extra perl-crypt-blowfish 2.14-16 Perl/CPAN Module Crypt::Blowfish : XSbased implementation of Blowfish 2024-09-04
any Extra python-babelfish 0.6.1-2 A Python module to work with countries & languages 2024-12-22
any Extra python-click-completion 0.5.2-9 Add or enhance bash, fish, zsh and powershell completion in Click 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra python-jellyfish 1.1.3-1 A python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings 2025-01-02
any Extra zsh-autosuggestions 0.7.1-1 Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh 2024-11-21
any Extra zsh-history-substring-search 1.1.0-2 ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow) 2024-07-14
any Extra zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.8.0-1 Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh 2023-12-19

31 matching packages found.

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