pythia8 8.3.10-6
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Extra-Testing |
Split Packages: | |
Description: | High-energy physics events generator |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | GPL2 |
Maintainers: |
Konstantin Gizdov |
Package Size: | 23.4 MB |
Installed Size: | 87.1 MB |
Last Packager: | Jelle van der Waa |
Build Date: | 2024-11-20 19:36 UTC |
Signed By: | Jelle van der Waa |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-20 19:39 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-16 17:42 UTC |
Dependencies (20)
- bash
- gcc-libs (testing)
- glibc
- openmp
- python (testing)
- zlib
- fastjet (testing) (optional) - fast jet finding in pp and e+e- collisions
- hepmc (testing) (optional) - storing collisions from Monte Carlo
- hepmc2 (optional) - storing collisions from Monte Carlo (old interface)
- lhapdf (testing) (optional) - evaluate PDFs from discretised data files
- python-pythia8 (testing) (optional) - for examples
- root (testing) (optional) - integrated examples with CERN ROOT data analysis framework
- fastjet (testing) (make)
- hepmc (testing) (make)
- hepmc2 (make)
- lhapdf (testing) (make)
- openmp (make)
- python (testing) (make)
- root (testing) (make)
- zlib (make)
Required By (8)
- python-pythia8 (testing)
- hepmc (testing) (optional)
- root (testing) (optional)
- root-cuda (testing) (optional)
- hepmc (testing) (make)
- hepmc-docs (testing) (make)
- root (testing) (make)
- root-cuda (testing) (make)