1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra cmake 3.31.5-1 A cross-platform open-source make system 2025-01-23

12 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra cmake 3.31.5-1 A cross-platform open-source make system 2025-01-23
any Extra corrosion 0.5.1-1 Tool for integrating Rust into an existing CMake project 2025-01-03
any Extra extra-cmake-modules 6.10.0-1 Extra modules and scripts for CMake 2025-01-11
x86_64 Extra icmake 10.03.03-2 A program maintenance (make) utility using a C-like grammar 2024-03-01 2024-03-04
x86_64 Extra leatherman 1.12.9-6 Collection of C++ and CMake utility libraries 2025-02-07
any Extra perl-alien-cmake3 0.08-6 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better 2024-09-04
any Extra python-cmake-build-extension 0.6.1-2 Setuptools extension to build and package CMake projects 2024-12-22
any Extra python-scikit-build-core 0.10.7-3 Next generation Python CMake adaptor and Python API for plugins 2025-01-11
x86_64 Extra qrcodegen-cmake 1.8.0-4 High-quality C QR Code generator library with CMake and pkgconfig 2025-01-22
x86_64 Extra qrcodegencpp-cmake 1.8.0-4 High-quality C++ QR Code generator library with CMake and pkgconfig 2025-01-22
x86_64 Extra rkcommon 1.14.2-1 Intel RenderKit common C++/CMake infrastructure 2024-09-27
any Extra rocm-cmake 6.2.4-1 CMake modules for common build tasks needed for the ROCm software stack 2024-11-24

12 matching packages found.

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