Packages of the new major version of PHP have been released into the stable repositories. Besides the new PHP 7 features there are the following packaging changes. In general the package configuration is now closer to what was intended by the PHP project. Also refer to the PHP 7 migration guide for upstream improvements.
Removed packages
- php-pear
- php-mssql
- php-ldap The module is now included in the php package
- php-mongo The new php-mongodb might provide an alternative even though it is not a compatible drop-in replacement
- php-xcache Consider using the included OPcache and optionally APCu for user data cache
- graphviz The PHP bindings had to be removed
New packages
- php-apcu-bc Install and enable this module if the apc_* functions are needed
- php-mongodb
Configuration changes
- open_basedir is no longer set by default
- openssl, phar and posix extensions are now built in
- php-fpm does no longer provide a logrotate configuration. Instead syslog/journald is used by default
- php-fpm's service file does no longer set PrivateTmp=true
- The configuration and module of php-apache have been renamed to php7_module.conf and