The Smart common input method platform SCIM was added to [extra] to support input methods for additional languages. The list of newly added pkgs to [extra] are:
- scim --- core of SCIM
- uim --- universal multilanguage input method lib
- scim-uim --- the SCIM module for UIM
- scim-tables --- tables to a lot of langauges for SCIM
- scim-hangul --- hangul support (korean)
- libchewing --- smart chewing IM lib for traditional chinese
- scim-chewing --- the SCIM module to libchewing
- scim-pinyin --- the SCIM module to pinyin (simplified chinese)
There are detailed docs planed and will be in the new wiki system later. For a start here a micro how-to start with SCIM: To start SCIM, install scim package and an additional scim-[input method engine] package you want to use. Then you can add to ~/.xinitrc this lines before the call for your WM/DE: export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIMexport GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"scim -f socket -c socket -d This should start it successfully. Note that the QT support will be in QT4 and is not yet available. Running X with this lines run, you can open a GTK2 application (e.g. abiword or gedit) and press left button in the input field. The GTK should offer you "Input Methods" dialogue. There you can choose "SCIM" from a list. Activating it, a icon should appear in your systray. There you can choose the input method engine you want to use. That should be enough for the start. As always you may find also additional help in the Forums. You may also directly contact me if you have a suggestion related internationalisation in ArchLinux. Have Fun!