Rebuild Todo List GNOME 3.18

2015-09-23 - Jan de Groot

GNOME 3.18 update. Just a todo list to flag packages that are done. When updating, note the build order (check dependencies and update those first).
Not all packages need an update, just flag if no new version is in the 3.18 release.

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182 packages displayed out of 182 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra accerciser 3.42.0+r100+g6e6256e-2 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra adwaita-icon-theme 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra aisleriot 3.22.30-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra anjuta Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra appstream-glib 0.8.3-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra at-spi2-atk Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra atk Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra atkmm 2.28.4-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra atomix 3.34.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra baobab 46.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra bijiben Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra brasero 3.12.3+r24+gd01ba738-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra cairomm 1.14.5-1 heftig Complete heftig
any Extra cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra caribou Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra cheese 44.1-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra clutter 1.26.4-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra clutter-gst 3.0.27-4 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra clutter-gst2 Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra clutter-gtk 1.8.4-3 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra cogl 1.22.8-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra dconf 0.40.0-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra dconf-editor 45.0.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra devhelp 43.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra ekiga Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra empathy Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra eog 45.3-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra eog-plugins 44.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra epiphany 46.1-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra evince 46.3-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra evolution 3.52.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 3.52.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra evolution-ews 3.52.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra file-roller 44.3-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra five-or-more 3.32.3-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra folks 0.15.9-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra four-in-a-row 3.38.1-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gcr 3.41.2-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.12-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gdl 3.40.0-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gdm 46.2-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gedit fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gedit-plugins Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra geoclue2 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra geocode-glib 3.26.4-4 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gitg 2:44-2 anthraxx Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gjs 2:1.80.2-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra glade 3.40.0+r14+g1fbca367-3 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra glib-networking 1:2.80.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Core glib2 2.80.3-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra glibmm 2.66.7-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gmime Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-backgrounds 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-bluetooth heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-builder 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-calculator 46.1-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-calendar 46.1-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-characters 46.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-chess 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-clocks 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-code-assistance heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-color-manager 3.36.0+r62+g82000f1d-1 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-common 3.18.0-4 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-contacts 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-control-center 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-desktop 1:44.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-devel-docs 40.3-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-dictionary 40.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-disk-utility 46.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-documents Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-font-viewer 46.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
any Extra gnome-getting-started-docs Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-keyring 1:46.1-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-klotski 3.38.2-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-logs 45.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-mahjongg 3.40.1-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-maps 46.11-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-menus 3.36.0-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-mines 40.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-music heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-nettool 42.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-nibbles 4.0.4-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-online-accounts 3.50.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-online-miners Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-photos 1:44.0-4 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-power-manager 43.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-robots 40.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-screenshot 41.0+r25+g45f08f0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-session 46.0-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-settings-daemon 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-shell 1:46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-shell-extensions 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-sound-recorder 42.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-sudoku 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-system-log Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-system-monitor 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-taquin 3.38.1+r35+g35edb95-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-terminal 3.52.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-tetravex 3.38.2-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnome-themes-standard Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-tweak-tool Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-user-docs 46.1-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gnome-user-share 43.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
any Extra gnome-video-effects 1:0.6.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra gnome-weather 46.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gnote 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gobject-introspection 1.80.1-3 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gom 0.5.1-1 bgyorgy Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gpaste 45.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra grilo 0.3.16-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra grilo-plugins 1:0.3.16-1 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra gsettings-desktop-schemas 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gssdp 1.6.3-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gst-libav 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-bad 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-base 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-good 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gstreamer 1.24.3-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gstreamer-vaapi 1.24.3-1 Complete heftig
any Extra gtk-doc 1.34.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gtk3 1:3.24.42-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gtkhtml4 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gtksourceview3 arodseth Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gucharmap 15.1.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra gupnp 1:1.6.6-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gupnp-igd 1.6.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra gvfs 1.54.1-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra hitori 44.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra iagno 3.38.1+r57+gd147e1a-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libchamplain 0.12.21-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libcroco Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libgdata 0.18.1-3 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libgee 0.20.6-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libgit2-glib 1.2.0-3 lfleischer, dvzrv Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libgsf 1.14.52-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libgtop 2.41.3-2 bgyorgy Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libgweather Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libgxps 0.3.2-4 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libmediaart 1.9.6-2 bgyorgy Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libnotify 0.8.3-1 heftig, anthraxx Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libpeas 1.36.0-5 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra librsvg 2:2.58.1-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libsecret heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libsigc++ 2.12.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libsoup 2.74.3-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libwnck3 43.0-3 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra libxml++ 3.2.5-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra libzapojit Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra lightsoff 46.0-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra mousetweaks 3.32.0-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra mutter 46.2-1 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra nautilus 46.2-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra nautilus-sendto heftig Complete heftig
any Extra orca 46.1-2 heftig, fabiscafe Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra pango 1:1.54.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra pangomm 2.46.4-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra polari 46.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra quadrapassel 40.2-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra rest 0.8.1+r4+ge5ee6ef-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra rygel 1:0.42.6-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra seahorse 1:43.0-3 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra sound-juicer 3.40.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra sushi 46.0-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra swell-foop 46.0-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra tali 40.9-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra totem 43.0-2 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra totem-plparser Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra tracker Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra vala 0.56.17-1 heftig, anthraxx Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra vinagre 1:3.22.0+r160+gc86e114-2 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra vino Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra vte Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra vte290 Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra vte3 0.76.3-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra webkit2gtk 2.44.2-1 heftig Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra yelp 42.2-2 heftig Complete jgc
any Extra yelp-tools 42.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
any Extra yelp-xsl 42.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra zenity 4.0.1-1 heftig Complete heftig