121 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra akonadi-search 24.12.3-1 Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi 2025-03-06
x86_64 KDE-Unstable akonadi-search 25.03.80-1 Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi 2025-03-15
any Extra arch-wiki-lite 20250301-1 Arch Wiki without HTML. 1/9 as big, easily searched & viewable on console 2025-03-04
x86_64 Extra baloo 6.12.0-1 A framework for searching and managing metadata 2025-03-15
x86_64 Extra binwalk 3.1.0-1 Tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files 2024-10-31
x86_64 Extra broot 1.45.0-2 Fuzzy Search + tree + cd 2025-03-21
any Extra catfish 4.20.0-2 Versatile file searching tool 2024-12-25
x86_64 Extra clucene C++ port of the high-performance text search engine Lucene 2025-03-24
x86_64 Extra copyq 9.1.0-1 Clipboard manager with searchable and editable history 2024-10-24
x86_64 Extra deepin-anything 5.0.18-1 Deepin Anything file search tool 2023-05-19 2023-09-10
x86_64 Extra deepin-anything-arch 6.1.2-134 Deepin Anything file search tool, kernel module for Arch kernel 2025-03-24 2023-09-11
x86_64 Extra-Testing deepin-anything-arch 6.1.2-135 Deepin Anything file search tool, kernel module for Arch kernel 2025-03-25
x86_64 Extra deepin-anything-dkms 5.0.18-1 Deepin Anything file search tool 2023-05-19 2023-09-10
x86_64 Extra deepin-grand-search 5.4.7-2 System-wide desktop search for DDE 2025-02-20
x86_64 Extra dovecot-fts-elastic 1.1.0-6 Dovecot FTS plugin for elasticsearch 2024-09-13
x86_64 Extra flann 1.9.2-6 A library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces 2024-12-22
any Extra flawfinder 2.0.19-2 Searches through source code for potential security flaws 2024-04-27
x86_64 Extra glyr 1.0.10-6 Music metadata searchengine utility and library written in C 2024-07-12
x86_64 Core grep 3.11-1 A string search utility 2023-05-17
x86_64 Extra haskell-fuzzy Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search. 2025-03-21
x86_64 Extra haskell-monad-dijkstra A monad transformer for weighted graph searches 2025-03-17
x86_64 Extra haskell-psqueues Pure priority search queues 2025-03-10
x86_64 Extra haskell-stringsearch Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-tasty-sugar Tests defined by Search Using Golden Answer References 2025-03-17 2023-11-14
x86_64 Extra hieroglyphic 2.1.0-1 Search through over 1000 different LaTeX symbols by sketching 2025-02-16
x86_64 Extra hoogle Haskell API Search 2025-03-17
x86_64 Extra hound 0.7.1-2 Lightning fast code searching made easy 2023-09-11
x86_64 Extra localsearch 3.9.0-2 Filesystem indexer and metadata extractor 2025-03-22
x86_64 Extra localsearch-testutils 3.9.0-2 Filesystem indexer and metadata extractor (test utilities) 2025-03-22
x86_64 Extra lrs 073-1 C implementation of the reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems 2024-05-31
x86_64 Extra mairix 0.24-5 A program for indexing and searching emails 2024-07-12
x86_64 Extra mate-utils 1.28.0-2 Common MATE utilities for viewing disk usage, logs and fonts, taking screenshots, managing dictionaries and searching files 2024-09-11
x86_64 Extra meilisearch 1.13.3-1 Lightning Fast, Ultra Relevant, and Typo-Tolerant Search Engine 2025-03-05
x86_64 Extra milou 6.3.3-1 A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo 2025-03-11
x86_64 Extra namazu 2.0.21-5 Namazu is a full-text search engine intended for easy use. 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra nbtscan 1.7.2-2 Scan networks searching for NetBIOS information 2024-07-13
x86_64 Extra ngrep 1.47-4 A grep-like utility that allows you to search for network packets on an interface. 2023-09-03
any Extra nwg-icon-picker 0.1.1-5 GTK icon chooser with a text search option 2024-12-22
x86_64 Extra opensearch 2.19.1-1 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-alerting-plugin OpenSearch Alerting Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-icu-plugin 2.19.1-1 The ICU Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene ICU module into OpenSearch, adding ICU-related analysis components. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-kuromoji-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Japanese (kuromoji) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene kuromoji analysis module into opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-nori-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Korean (nori) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene nori analysis module into opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-phonetic-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Phonetic Analysis plugin integrates phonetic token filter analysis with opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-smartcn-plugin 2.19.1-1 Smart Chinese Analysis plugin integrates Lucene Smart Chinese analysis module into opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-stempel-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Stempel (Polish) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene stempel (polish) analysis module into opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-analysis-ukrainian-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Ukrainian Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene UkrainianMorfologikAnalyzer into opensearch. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-anomaly-detection-plugin OpenSearch Anomaly Detection Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-asynchronous-search-plugin OpenSearch Asynchronous Search Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-cli 1.2.0-1 A full-featured command line interface (CLI) for OpenSearch 2023-11-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-cross-cluster-replication-plugin OpenSearch Cross-Cluster Replication Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards 2.19.1-1 Open source visualization dashboards for OpenSearch 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-alerting-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Alerting Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-anomaly-detection-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Anomaly Detection Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-gantt-chart-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Gantt Chart Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-index-management-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Index Management Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-maps-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Maps Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-notifications-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Notifications Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-observability-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Observability Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-query-workbench-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Query Workbench Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-reports-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Reports Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-dashboards-security-plugin OpenSearch Dashboards Security Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-discovery-azure-classic-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Azure Classic Discovery plugin allows to use Azure Classic API for the unicast discovery mechanism 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-discovery-ec2-plugin 2.19.1-1 The EC2 discovery plugin allows to use AWS API for the unicast discovery mechanism. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-discovery-gce-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Google Compute Engine (GCE) Discovery plugin allows to use GCE API for the unicast discovery mechanism. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-geospatial-plugin OpenSearch Geospatial Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-index-management-plugin OpenSearch Index Management Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-ingest-attachment-plugin 2.19.1-1 Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-job-scheduler-plugin OpenSearch Job Scheduler Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-knn-plugin OpenSearch Index Management Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-mapper-annotated-text-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Mapper Annotated_text plugin adds support for text fields with markup used to inject annotation tokens into the index. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-mapper-murmur3-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Mapper Murmur3 plugin allows to compute hashes of a field\'s values at index-time and to store them in the index. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-mapper-size-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Mapper Size plugin allows document to record their uncompressed size at index time. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-ml-commons-plugin OpenSearch Machine Learning Commons Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-neural-search-plugin OpenSearch Neural Search Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-notifications-plugin OpenSearch Notifications Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-observability-plugin OpenSearch Observability Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-performance-analyzer-plugin OpenSearch Performance Analyzer Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-reports-scheduler-plugin OpenSearch Reports Scheduler Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-repository-azure-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-repository-gcs-plugin 2.19.1-1 The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-repository-hdfs-plugin 2.19.1-1 The HDFS repository plugin adds support for Hadoop Distributed File-System (HDFS) repositories. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-repository-s3-plugin 2.19.1-1 The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-security-plugin OpenSearch Security Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-sql-plugin OpenSearch SQL Plugin 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-store-smb-plugin 2.19.1-1 The Store SMB plugin adds support for SMB stores. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra opensearch-transport-nio-plugin 2.19.1-1 The nio transport. 2025-03-20
x86_64 Extra pdfgrep 2.2.0-5 A tool to search text in PDF files 2025-01-07
x86_64 Core perl 5.40.1-2 A highly capable, feature-rich programming language 2025-02-18
any Extra perl-file-find-rule-perl 1.16-5 Common rules for searching for Perl things 2024-09-04
x86_64 Extra perl-search-xapian Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library. 2024-09-04
x86_64 Extra pkgfile 24-1 A tool to search for files in official repository packages 2025-03-01
x86_64 Extra polymake 4.13-7 Open source software for research in polyhedral geometry 2025-03-16
x86_64 Extra prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter 1.7.0-2 Elasticsearch stats exporter for Prometheus 2024-11-11
any Extra python-deepdiff 7.0.1-2 Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. 2024-12-22 2024-12-11
any Extra python-django-haystack 3.3.0-3 Modular search for Django 2024-12-22
any Extra python-elasticsearch 8.17.2-1 Official Python client for Elasticsearch 2025-03-05
any Extra python-meilisearch 1:0.34.0-1 Python client for MeiliSearch API 2025-02-27
any Extra python-rebulk 3.2.0-4 Define simple search patterns in bulk to perform advanced matching on any string 2024-12-22
any Extra python-whoosh 2.7.4-13 Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library 2024-12-22

121 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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