Hi kernel 2.6.19 series is now in testing, it will be the kernel series for 0.8 release so please test this stuff well before it can go into current repository.
Changes: New PATA/IDE subsystem - EXPERIMENTAL
To use the new pata drivers, change the 'ide' hook to 'pata' in /etc/mkinicpio.conf HOOKS= The new system changes: /dev/hd? to /dev/sd? Don't forget to modify GRUB, LILO and fstab to the new naming system. eg: hda3 --> sda3, hdc8 --> sdc8
piix/ata_piix (Intel chipsets) - IMPORTANT
If you have enabled ide/pata/sata HOOKs in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf the 'ata_piix' module will be used. This may cause your devices to shift names, eg: - IDE: devices from hd? to sd? - SATA: sda might shift to sdc if you have 2 other disks on a PIIX IDE port. To check if this will affect you, check 'mkinitcpio -M' for piix/ata_piix
- Recent Changes: Upstream Changes
have fun and report bugs thanks
greetings tpowa