python-into-dbus 0.8.2-3

Architecture: any
Repository: Extra
Description: Facilities for converting an object that inhabits core Python types, e.g., lists, ints, dicts, to an object that inhabits dbus-python types, e.g., dbus.Array, dbus.UInt32, dbus.Dictionary based on a specified dbus signature.
Upstream URL:
License(s): Apache
Maintainers: Jiachen Yang
Package Size: 21.1 KB
Installed Size: 85.1 KB
Last Packager: Jelle van der Waa
Build Date: 2024-05-24 16:05 UTC
Signed By: Jelle van der Waa
Signature Date: 2024-05-24 16:05 UTC
Last Updated: 2024-05-24 16:06 UTC