Rebuild Todo List Qt -> Qt4

2013-02-18 - Andrea Scarpino

- Replace qt with qt4 or switch to qt5-base
- Check that your package install the qt4 plugins into /usr/lib/qt4/plugins
- Check that your package install the qt4 imports into /usr/lib/qt4/imports

Use qmake4 to explicitly refer to qt4 when both qt4 and qt5 are installed.

Packages go in [staging].

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

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69 packages displayed out of 69 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra akonadi felixonmars, arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra appmenu-qt Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra attica arojas, tcanabrava Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra automoc4 Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2 heftig Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra avidemux-qt 2.8.1-3 2.8.1-4 anthraxx Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra cagibi Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra cmake 3.29.5-2 felixonmars, arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra doxygen 1.11.0-3 anthraxx, Lahwaacz Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra dssi dvzrv Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra gcin yan12125 Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra grantlee arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra graphviz 11.0.0-1 lfleischer Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra hydrogen dvzrv Complete andrea
any Extra kde-agent Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra kdeedu-marble Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra kdelibs Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra kdesdk-poxml Complete andrea
x86_64 Multilib lib32-qt Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra libbluedevil Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra libdbusmenu-qt arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra liblastfm alucryd Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra liborigin2 Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra libqzeitgeist Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra licq Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra lyx Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra phonon felixonmars, arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Core pinentry 1.3.0-1 lfleischer, anthraxx Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra polkit-qt felixonmars, arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra poppler 24.06.0-1 andyrtr Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra poppler-qt andyrtr Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra prison felixonmars, arojas, tcanabrava Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra pyqt Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra python2-pyqt Complete andrea
x86_64 Multilib q4wine Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qca arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qca-gnupg Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra qca-ossl Complete pierre
x86_64 Extra qimageblitz Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qjackctl dvzrv, ainola Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qjson Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qscintilla felixonmars, arojas Complete andrea
x86_64 Multilib qsopcast Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qsynth dvzrv Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qt Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qt-assistant-compat Complete andrea
any Extra qt-doc Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qt-gstreamer Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qt-private-headers Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qtscriptgenerator Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qtwebkit Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qwt 6.2.0-1 anthraxx Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra qwtplot3d Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra rosegarden dvzrv Complete eric
x86_64 Extra scribus Archange, alerque Complete eric
x86_64 Extra smplayer anthraxx, alerque Complete ibiru
x86_64 Extra soprano Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra stellarium Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra strigi Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra suil dvzrv Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra telepathy-qt Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra texmacs Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra transmission-qt 4.0.6-1 bluewind Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra uim Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra v4l-utils 1.26.1-1 jelle Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra vlc 3.0.20-9 3.0.20-10 anthraxx, dvzrv Complete ibiru
x86_64 Multilib winestuff Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra wpa_supplicant_gui Complete andrea
x86_64 Extra x2goclient Complete andrea