Rebuild Todo List Do not use $startdir

2013-02-02 - Allan McRae

Always use $srcdir and $pkgdir and not rely on the relationship to $startdir. These are wrong when BUILDDIR is set and with pacman-4.1, $pkgdir will not be the same as $startdir/pkg.

Link to lists of pkgbase values:

Filter Todo List Packages

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15 packages displayed out of 15 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra facile 1.1.4-8 tpowa Complete eric
x86_64 Core libksba 1.6.6-1 tpowa Complete allan
any Extra mkisolinux Complete eric
any Extra mkpxelinux Complete eric
any Extra mksyslinux Complete eric
x86_64 Extra mod_mono Complete allan
x86_64 Extra mono-basic Complete allan
x86_64 Extra mono-tools anthraxx Complete eric
any Extra ndesk-dbus Complete eric
x86_64 Extra rarian Complete jgc
x86_64 Extra sbcl 2.4.5-1 juergen Complete eric
x86_64 Extra speex 1.2.1-1 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra taglib-sharp Complete allan
x86_64 Extra usermin Complete eric
x86_64 Extra webmin Complete eric